"Yeah... " I answered. Sunny and Starflight hold their ear pieces and listened.

"His acting all flirty... "Moon continued. "OK now his asking her if he wants to join him in a plan...."

"What do you mean?" Starflight asked.

"I don't know, even Clearsight is acting all confused. Tell me what his doing now" Moon said. We all turned around to see Darkstalker, now, staring at us. He had a devil like smirk in his face. He kept looking back at his phone every second or so, but not typing.

"His just staring at us... "Sunny said. Then Darkstalker went back to his phone.

"What's happening!?"we heard Moon say. "The screen is going all glitchy, I can't see their conversation!"

I was silent, all of a sudden, a loud buzzing noise was in my ear.

"Fatespeaker! You'r ear!" Starflight almost shouted. I touched my ear where the piece was and got electrocuted.

"OW!" I said. Then the buzzing noise got louder and louder. I grabbed my ears and almost started screaming. All of a sudden, I was on the ground. Then I screamed. The electricity was to much.

Next thing I knew, so was Sunny and Starflight. We were all grabbing our ears, desperate to stop the horrid noise. We couldn't touch out ear pieces or they would electrocute us.

I could see blue and yellow sparks of electricity coming from it now. "Fa-tes-peaker *buzz* he-llo? *buzz* a-re yo-u th-ere?" I heard Moons voice, trailing off.

Then it stopped. The pieces fell from our ears and onto the ground. I yelped as the sudden buzzing noise stopped. I took a breath in, looked up and saw a crowd around the three of us.

"Where is he!?" Sunny said suddenly. I looked over at the table Darkstalker was, but he was no where to be seen.

Turtle's pov;

"What happened!?" I asked Moon. The screen was now black as we heard a scream from Fatespeaker, then...nothing. "I don't know!" she shouted, pressing random buttons on the keyboard.

"We shouldn't have gotten them into this mess!" Winter growled. "Well, they didn't really get any info..." Qibli said.

"They couldn't! First of all, Darkstalker was on his phone the whole time, not talking. Then, he started to hack us back, then he possibly almost killed them, THEN HE WAS NO WHERE TO BE SEEN!!!" Kinkajou bellowed.

We all just stared at her, eyes wide. "Now then, I'm gonna go check on them, who wants to come?" she asked. "I'll go!" I said raising a hand. Qibli scoffed then covered his mouth.

"By the way, I'm taking your car Moon!" Kinkajou said as we went out the front door.

"But you can't drive!" she shouted after us. But we were already in the car. She pulled gears to reverse then hit the accelerator. She was heading straight for a pole. Then she hit brakes and smoke was everywhere. Moon gave Kinkajou a death stare.

"I'll- I'll drive" I stuttered.

At the Cafe

"ARE YOU OK!?" Kinkajou shouted as we entered the cafe.

It had been about two minutes since we left Moon's house since its not far away.

"Yeah, we're OK..." Starflight said but trailed off,  staring at the girls worried.

"Well, would you want me to drive you all home?" Kinkajou asked.

"Actually, me, drive you all home, you know how before went when you tried to drive!" I pointed. She giggled and nodded.

"Thanks for the ride Turtle!" Sunny said as we dropped her off first. "No problem, we'll update you if we find out anything else!" I said and waved at her. She waved at us back and went inside.

I kept driving, then looked in the review mirror. I could see the awkwardness going on between us all.

"So, uh, sorry that we kinda got you into this mess..." I said. Fatespeaker giggled.

"Don't worry, it's kind of fun being a spy other then almost being deaf for the rest of my life!" she said. 

"Spy?" I asked. She and Star laughed.

"Bye guys! Tell Moon and the others I said hi!" Fatespeaker shouted after us as we slowly drove off again to another location, Starflight's house.

"WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN!?" shouted Starflight's sister, Feirceteeth, "YOU WEREN'T EVEN HERE WHEN I WOKE UP!"

"Yes, yes, sorry, I went out for breakfast!" Starflight shouted back. Then they continued arguing as he walked inside the house without another word to me and Kinkajou.

"Well, that was, pleasant..." Kinkajou said shrugging. We both laughed and headed back to Moon's.

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! But don't worry, things will get even more intense for the "Secret Spy" group as they try to find out what Darkstalkers hiding! So hope you guys are liking the story so far and have a good day or night or whatever....

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