Chapter 35: Heather - Cedric

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I kinda imagine Heather to look like Drew Barrymore

November 30th, 1987:

"It's all just... I don't know. It all feels like shit."

"It happens, Ceddie. Things can get to your head. I know you're... I know you're a different person up there. You were always rebellious and outgoing, but... on the stage you're just wild."

"I'm not really... I'm not."

"You're still young. This is getting to your head," Dad said through the phone. "You're so young."

"I know."

"You never had a normal childhood, either way. I mean, with your mom and then your whole career choices... nothing was bound to be normal."

Lately I'd gone into a spiral of feeling like pure shit. I'm not even entirely sure why, but I just did. Nothing fit together right anymore.

"Listen, I've gotta go. But I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay. See you soon. Love you."

"Love you too, Ced."


Later that night, Jeremy and Scott had two girls hook up with them. Another girl stood backstage, smoking pot with Nic.

"Who's this?"

"She's a friend of Scottie and Jem's friends," Nic said.

"Looks like I didn't get the same invite," she joked before stretching out her hand. "I'm Heather."

"Cedric," I replied as I shook her hand. "Were you planning on seeing Jeremy or Scott tonight?"

"No," she laughed. "Just waiting for the girls."

"She said she's more of a fan of you," pointed out Nic with raised eyebrows before walking off, smirking.

Heather playfully rolled her eyes.

To be honest, she was stunning.

She was blonde with dark streaks in her hair that was crimped, brown eyes like a pool of chocolate, milky skin, thick lips that managed a perfect smile. She was stunning in every way.

"Well, I'm... I'm not busy tonight," I suddenly blurted.

She laughed, running a hand through her hair.

"Well do you wanna get out of here?" she asked.

Just looking at this girl, I couldn't turn it down.

"Yeah, sure."


"Tell me the deep stuff," Heather said as we sat outside together on a bench, despite the late time of night.

"Deep stuff? Uh... I don't know."

"I'll go first then. When I was two, my mother contracted cancer. My parents got married because he had money and she was pretty. Felt like a perfect couple. He was a CEO of some shit company and she was trying to be a model. It obviously didn't work out. They got married shortly after they were introduced to each other and she got pregnant with my older brother, Berry. Three years after him, I was born, and then they had my brother, John about a year after me. Then she got cancer, as I said before, and died when I was four."

I felt my heart sink.

"Shit, isn't it? My dad remarried when I was six and had kids with his wife who was in her mid-20s or so. Had two sons together named Tyler and Benjamin. So here I am now."

"That... that is deep."

"Your turn."

"Um... my parents loved each other. They had issues having kids, but somehow had me. She died when I was 9 or so from some disease. I'm not sure what."

She rubbed my hand sympathetically.

"He never remarried. It was my mother and her only. I can't imagine he would wed again. But there you go. Story of me life."

"Shit, huh?"

"Most definitely shit."

She looked deep into my eyes before giving me a heavy kiss, to which I returned.

I felt fireworks explode in my stomach. My brian was a whirlwind of fantasies, and all I could so was sit there and kiss her too. She was simply gorgeous, no doubt about it.

"Cedric?" she asked.


"Let's go back to the hotel room, wouldn't you agree?"

I nodded.


I breathed heavily next to her on my hotel bed, both of us naked to the core.

"Not bad."

"Not bad at all," she said.

"I think... I think we should do that again."

"Do you?"


Heather smiled and sat up. "I'll need ten minutes."

I turned to see her stand up and stretch. She was stunning in every way possible.

I noticed a birth mark on her left arm and I found myself smiling at her. As she looked over at me, she noticed my noticing.

"You like it?"

"Yeah. It's neat."

She smiled and put on a robe as a knock on the door came.

I forgot we ordered dinner for ourselves. So far, she was proving to be girlfriend material. Not only was I interested with her, but it helped get my mind off Nic a little bit.

As we ate pancakes for dinner, I began to realize just how interesting she was. She was fun and exciting and she had a lust for life.

She was magical.

"So tell me about your friends."

"They're fun. We go everywhere together. I just graduated and my parents left some sort of account for me so I took the money and left. We just kind of enjoy our life like that. They're runaways. They've been for years. But we met at a dinner once and got along quite well. What about yours?"

"Well, Scott is a cocaine addict, Nic is a runaway, Axton has a pregnant girlfriend, and Jeremy is stressing over his sister sick with cancer."

"Well that's interesting. I'd say Scott needs some help, that's for certain. He needs some awakening."

"I want to help but he doesn't want help. He's fine with it all."

She shook her head and took a bit. "I just think that we need to help him. Well, not me, I don't know him. But he needs your help. You're a close friend of his and he trusts you enough with anything."

"He trusts a needle more."

"Well when it spirals out of control, he'll need the help of you. Won't he?"

"I guess."

"So help the poor guy while you can. He's probably hurting. Cedric, if you don't help him, who will?"

I set down my fork and sighed. "I guess we're the only ones?"

"Exactly, Cedric. Exactly. Your little band is the only chance he has."

I looked at her for a few seconds and swallowed. "You're a little hot when you're deep."

"Well I'm always deep."

As luck would be, I found myself falling for Heather. She was perfect in every way, at least to me.

I could see things moving forward with her in a way bvn I didn't see with anyone else. It was perfect.

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