Chapter 12: Odyssey Of Disaster - Nic

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May 21st, 1986

School had ended, thankfully.

In all of this time, we didn't do much.

We recorded a few songs and wrote a few songs.

In total, we had made nine songs in about a month or so.

We knew that meant there wasn't much thought into them, but we loved all of them.

Rocket had been spending loads of time with us, which I loved more than I thought I would.

I couldn't believe that of all people to date him, it'd be me: a parentless drummer who was in a decent band.

We weren't as good as Brutal Chaos, and we never would be.

"We need to make a video!" Tara requested as we entered the room as soon as possible.

"'We?' Tara, you're not part of this band. You play saxophone, and we don't have a saxophonist," Scott pointed out.

"Yeah, well... you should still do that. I'm just suggesting it. I still have those bits and pieces of you guys at concerts. I also have some of you guys recording songs. We could have that kind of stuff in videos. To show how far you've gone," she suggested.

"I think that's a great idea, Tara," Axon complimented.

Those two were absolutely crazy about each other, no doubt.


Uncle Benny and Tara argued all night, though Aunt Carol tried as best as possible to make it stop.

"You can't tell him not to see me! He won't care!" Tara screamed.

"He's a teenage boy, Tara Ocean! Do you really think that he's crazy about you? He isn't staying p and thinking about you every night! Teenage boys want one thing and one thing only. And believe it or not Tara, I know you're not willing to give it to him anytime soon!" he shouted.

Tara sprinted upstairs after more arguing. She slammed her bedroom door, but I eventually went to comfort her.

"What's wrong, Tara?" I sighed.

"You know," she huffed, hugging her pillow tight.

"Tara... please think logically on this. He is a teenage boy, alright? He thinks about your body and everything like that. It's just how it is. But, hell, this boy likes you a lot. I mean, he may even love you," I ranted.

Tara's head turned towards me, shock obvious in her eyes.

"W-what?" she gasped.

"Tara, he likes you more than you can know. He always wants to be around you, see you, love on you... he likes you shitloads. He could love you, for all I know. But to hell with it, what do I know?" I sighed.


Jeremy was sitting down, playing Blackbird. Again.

The boy was crazy about that song, no doubt.

I don't even know why he loved it so much, but he did.

Leslie had something to do with it, but that's all we knew. 

I wondered more and more about his little sister.

Once he finished that, he started singing Yesterday.

"Why don't we cover Blackbird?" I asked.

They all raised their eyebrows at me, shocked.

"What?" Scott asked, making it obvious he wasn't listening.

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