Chapter 8: Dream Come True - Jeremy

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Axton played bass in my room, while Scott and I played guitar. Cedric laid on my bed and sang Van Halen.

"Where do you guys think Nic is?" I asked, Cedric's impressive voice coming to halt.

"I last saw her walking out with that Brutal Chaos dude," Axton replied, continuing to play his bass as he sat on the floor, back to the wall.

"God, I can't believe she actually went home with him," Cedric sighed.

"I can't either. Can you imagine that kind of stuff happening? It's Rocket Ski," I sighed.

"He's okay," Scott added, rolling his eyes.

"Excuse us?" Axton gasped.

"Well, he's no Mick Jagger. His band isn't too popular, their songs are cheesy and they're mediocre at best. Yeah, they played at Live Aid, but it wasn't the greatest performance of all time. Queen did ten times better!" Scott defended.

"Queen did better than everyone, Scottie," Cedric admitted, sighing. "But if you could go out with Madonna or something like that, would you?"

"Actually, no. She's twelve years older than me and-"

"Oh, like that matters, Scottie!" Axton interrupted. "Let's say that you got to-"

"Hey, Jem," Cherry said as she walked in the door, interrupting our conversation.

"Yeah?" I replied, turning around on my bed.

"Some girl is here to see you. She's got a Hispanic dude with her. He's taller than Scott if that helps any."

"What does she looks like?"

"Tall enough, dark brown hair, a few piercings and she seemed to like leather jackets."

"Nic!" we all announced, jumping up to our feet.

"Sure," she sighed, just about to leave to get back to her room and model new clothing.

"Hey, Cherry," Scott called. She turned back to us, raising a blonde eyebrow.


"Those shorts look nice on you," he complimented. She scoffed, rolling her eyes and turning away. Scott laughed, while we all chuckled.

"That girl hates you," I said.

"I know she does."

Scott wasn't really attracted to Cherry, he just thought it was funny. I knew that deep down she did too.

I knew this because she would smile every time she walked away.

We all scrambled down the stairs, though Mom kept telling us to stop.

We ignored that request.

Scrambling to the door, we witnessed the great thing ever.

Nic was making out with Rocket Ski.

"What the Hell?" Axton gasped, earning their attention.

"There you are," she sighed, laughing.

"How long have you two been...?" Axton didn't finish.

"Last night," Nic admitted, smirking. "Let us in. You're horrible at hospitality, Jem."


We all sat on my bed, taking in the information he just told us.

"He wants to meet in a week," Rocket finished.

"This is...huge..." I whispered.

"We've never made a song in our life. How are we supposed to create a masterpiece?"

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