Chapter 16: Marry Me - Nic

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November 25th, 1986.

I was more than happy to be home.

But I was not as happy for the fact that it was Thanksgiving in two days.

This meant that I was going to be around my older relatives.

I'd hate being around them.

I wondered how well they'd do with learning about my success. I always thought I was doing something right - I was doing something that made me happy.

I was in a happy, loving relationship with someone who I never felt the need to slaughter. I was in a band that had sold over two million copies already.

Who else could say that?

In the end, I was happy.

Anytime I felt happy, they would take it all away from me and turn it bad. I was constantly reminded of my flaws, and that was something I was not in any way looking forward to. I knew there would come a day in which I would truly get so tired of them, I'd just pick everything up and leave them all behind.

I'd been planning that day for a while.

Only now, I felt like I had the strength to do it.


November 27th, 1986.

I had recently re-added the purple highlights, which blended in perfectly with my dark brown hair.

I had all my piercings in currently. All the ones on my ear, my lip, my nose, and eyebrow.

I felt like a complete badass.

Rocket would be coming over for Thanksgiving with my family, though I desperately wanted to be with his family.

He insisted we be with mine.

Axton would also be coming over, something I was more than grateful for.

Axton would get more bullets than I would.

it was selfish, but it was true.

They rarely disapproved of Tara, but I didn't know how they'd feel about Axton.

I loved Axton to death, but I knew they probably wouldn't.

The doorbell rang as I finished painting my nails black, and I instantly leaped from my seat.

I answered the door, only to find Axton.

"Oh," I sighed.

"What?" he replied.

"Nevermind," I sighed as I let him enter the house. I took his jacket from him and hung it up, rolling my eyes slightly.

"Where's Tara?" he asked.

"My aunt forgot green beans, so she's out getting some," I answered.

"Who else is here?"

"Aunt Carol, Uncle Benny, and Viv."

"Oh," he whispered.

"Oh, you'll survive," I scoffed. "Aunt Carol loves you."

"That's good," he sighed. "Hey, who were you so excited about?"

"Rocket," I sighed.

"He's coming too?" he asked.


"Oh, Axton! It's so lovely to see you!" Aunt Carol greeted as she walked in from the kitchen.

"It's great to see you too, Carol," he replied as he hugged her.

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