Chapter 37: Do You Think I'm Dumb? - Nic

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November 30th, 1987

Despite falling asleep on the couch of a hotel room, I found myself eagerly waiting for a photoshoot for a magazine.

When I noticed what we were wearing, I felt insecure.

We were all in 70s attire. The boys were dressed to look like hard workers in a junk yard who needed a cold beer at the end of the day.

I, on the other hand, looked like a pin-up doll in a bathing suit and my hair pulled back in pigtails. They did my makeup the way I hated it done. Blush, red lips, eyeshadow galore. I liked my more natural expression, personally.

"Now, Nic, can you maybe look more interested in them? Like you wanna flirt with them?" the photographer asked.

"Why would I flirt with them? They're a bunch of short men who play demon music."

"Just because Rocket is 6-fucking-four doesn't mean we're short!" argued Cedric, the shortest male in the band.

"If I had to go for any, I would go for Ax, just to stir up controversy."

"I would too," joked Jeremy.

"Um... thanks," stuttered Axton, probably thinking of my redheaded cousin who he fucked.

"Can you just look more flirty? And maybe a bit prettier? You know, a little doll-like? Try to really get the essence going that you're in love with this boys," the photographer requested.

"I'm married."

"Great. Act like Cedric is your husband."

"Ew, no."

"Ew?" Cedric scoffed.

"Why do I have to act flirty with these boys? Why am I in a swimsuit flirting with them for this shoot, and they get to be all dirty and manly? What happened to abolishing gender roles and girls being able to get dirty? I'm not just here to flirt with some mediocre men. I'm in this band, too," I argued to the photographer. "I'm here as the drummer, not some random girl flirting."

"Nicole, I know you want some-"

"It's Nic. I want some recognition for being part of this band. I'm the drummer. Not anything else. I don't flirt with them, I don't sleep with them. I'm the one who makes all the noise and causes chaos. Not them."

As a silence fell over my bandmates, I knew they agreed with me. They just hated admitting it.


"I dont appreciate this," I gripped into the phone to Jefferson. "He was misogynistic."

"No he wasn't."

"Yes, he was! I'm the woman, I get to say it! He was misogynistic! I'm part of this band, too!"

"I know you are, but-"

"There is nothing else to say! He wanted me all dressed up looking cute for the boys, while they got to have fun in their dirty jeans! How the fuck does that make sense?"

"I'm sorry I scheduled this guy. What do you want from me, a woman photographer?"

"Yes, actually. While you're at it, a woman doctor, a woman senator, I woman president! Everything women please!"

"This is a little-"

"Now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind you being a woman!"

He huffed.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but being a woman is hard. Men make it harder!"

"I'll see what I can do. Maybe... maybe we can get an all-women staff. What if the boys try to sleep with them?"

"Tell the boys not to. It's called consent. They're teenage boys, Jefferson. They will be held accountable for their actions. I love them, but if they touch someone, they're dead."

"I'll talk to the team. See what I can do to make you more comfortable."


"While we're talking... talk to the band about the concert, okay? I'm nervous for them."


"The number of people is increasing. That's why."

"I'll talk to them. See what I can do to make you feel more comfortable."

"You're ridiculous, Nic."

"I'm just quoting you."

"Look, I have to go."

"Alright. Make sure you talk!"

"I will."

As he hung up, I huffed and stared at the phone before picking it up and dialing a number


"Hi, Rocket!"

"Well hello there, Nici. How's it going today?"

"I had the worst time at a photoshoot."


"Yeah. Some asshole photographer wanted me to look all pin-up like and as if I wanted to fuck the boys, who could get down and dirty."


"Yeah. And then, when I called him out, he was saying I was being unreasonable. I'm getting real pissed here, Rocky."

"I get it."

"I want to be able to get down and dirty too!"


"He was awful. And the boys were on my side, but they didn't say a thing!"

"How dare they?"

"I know!"

"Keep going."

"So while I'm frustrated, they're fucking silent!"


"Yeah! I'm just casually facing this sexism while they're rolling in the dirt."


"I'm so tired of this all the time. Thank you for listening, Rocky."

"Of course, Nici. I'm here to help. My vows stay true."

"Nic! We've got a show on in fifteen!" Cedric called from the other room.

"I heard Ced. I'll call you later, alright?"

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too, Nic."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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