Chapter 31

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I wake up and see I have a text from Joey we go way back to the college days. He said he was in town and wanted to hang out sounds like fun I love his bubbly personality, I turn to Colin and he’s still asleep. I don't feel like doing anything so I lay back down he immediately wraps his arms around me, and I doze off again.


“Brie get your lazy ass up!” I hear someone yell I get up rubbing my eyes and see Joey standing over me.

“What the hell? How did you get in?” I ask laughing then getting up to give him a hug.

“Well you know NFL quarterbacks always love opening doors for me.” He jokes as Colin comes into the room.

“Ha yeah well this is Colin.” I say introducing them even though I have a feeling they already got familiar with each other.

“So whats this troublemaker doing here?” He asks sitting down

“I’m her boyfriend.” Colin says butting into our conversation.

“Oh well you know what they say.” Joey comments

“What?” I ask not getting what he was trying to say.

“Love always finds itself back to each other.” I smile and nod not having the slightest idea in what he meant.  

“You're not gonna show me around?” He asks almost offended.

“I’ll be right back just have to change.” I say running up the stairs to change.


~~Colins P.O.V~~

“Small world ain’t it Joey.” I say smirking

“Unfortunately.” He responds, he never was into football guys.

“So how does she remember you but not her first love?” I ask lets see if he could draw a clear picture for me.

“Oh sweetie thats classified.” He says ugh I forgot how stubborn he is.

“Can you at least tell me what the hell happened to her ?” I’ll take anything I could get at this point.

“Well sherlock she doesn't remember so I think you know what your little stunt did to her. I knew you were gonna be trouble, just by looking at you but she never listened to me and look what happened to her.” He says and my mind went back to what happened.

“I didn't mean to hurt her, you know that, everyone knows, I love her.” He chuckles why the fuck does he think this is funny.

“Well if you loved her s-”

“Love, I still do.” I interrupt

“Okay well if you love her so much why do it in the first place?” He asks and I stay quiet. “And that wasn’t the first time you hurt her.”

“I never hurt her.” I argue

“Other than physically you hurt her mentally, you know that right, all those times she saw you with other girls.”

“I never cheated on her if thats what you're trying to say, yeah we had our problems but most of them started because you and her freaking family.” I say.  

“Oh her family was fine with you.” I laugh “You know until you guys actually started dating.” He adds

“I knew it they’ve never liked me I’ve never liked them the feeling is mutual you should tell them that.”

“Oh Kap speaking about them they're just waiting for their  little girl to go back running to them after you screw up which you and I both know will happen. “ I clench my jaw

“I already lost her once I’ll be fucking damned if she goes away again.”

“Oh stop pretending you care.”

“I care about her.”

“Now you do but lets say she leaves again you're not gonna have any trouble with finding anyone else.” He says I shake my head “What happened last time you were out sleeping with different girls every night.”

“Look that was the old me I’m different now.” Yeah I’ve had my share of crazy times but I'm better now. I hear footsteps and signalled him that she was coming.

“Woah girl you get better looking everything I visit.” Joey says I turn to look at her and she was wearing a crop top, shorts and some of her knee high socks I swear this girl has a wierd fetish for those.

“Thanks.” She says to complement.

“I’m gonna get going.” I say wrapping my arms around her.

“No, stay the night please.” She says and I just can’t say no to her.

“Alright.” I say giving her a quick peck.

“Ugh you guys make me sick.” Joey comments making her laugh.


HEY guys !! so i know this is extremly short SORRY but trust me next chapter will be normal...Ive been in a typing mood recently... anyway Love you guys reading make sure to leave a beautiful comment, & I'll update soon xx

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