Chapter 6

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"What should I start with?" I asked nobody has really ever asked me that so I really don't even know where to begin

"Well from the beginning like birthdays and childhood stuff." He said smiling

"Uh okay so I was born March 24,1988. I was actually born 3 weeks early I was born in California my parents moved to Las Vegas when I was 6 months.We grew up not poor but not rich so we were like in the middle.I have a brother and a sister who are both older than me.I guess I grew up wanting to be like my parents because they were hard working and always worked their butts off so we can have the life that we had.Growing up it was just us five because my dad never got along with any of his siblings and my moms family lived in Mexico and some lived in Boston.And my dad had spent like 19 years of his life playing the California lottery and he would play and play until he kinda got tired of it. So he bought this one ticket he asked us all for a number and he just played them. He said if he didn't win that it'll be the last ticket he would ever play.We waited the week then he called to see the winning numbers and when he heard them he legit froze for about an hour. Then after that he started cheering and he we were all so happy cuz like come on if you won 100 million dollars you would be happy too right?" I said looking at him

"Well duh I'd be doing back-flips." He said smiling "That's more than I make in like 3 years with my endorsements ." He added laughing

"Some people would say it's a good thing and I'm not gonna lie I did enjoy it a lot at first but then when I was like 16 I got tired of just getting things handed to me. I wanted to know how it felt to actually have to work for something. So after that I started to get my head right and I did better and better in school so by the time I graduated I was the valedictorian.So that helped me get a lot of offers from colleges." I said smiling I turned to him and he had a frown on his face

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing it's just that...Thats what makes us different sort of." He said I could tell he was upset

"Why?" I asked

"I applied for A LOT of colleges and none of the coaches were interested only Nevada." He said he got a bit teary eye I didn't mean to hurt his feelings or anything  

"Well that's their loss cuz like come on you're THE QUARTERBACK don't worry about anything else that happened." I said holding his hand

"I try but I can't before I go to sleep I just go over everything and I still don't know what they didn't see in me or what I did wrong and it stresses me out I want to know so I can make it better." He said fisting his hand and tighten his grip around my hand

"You don't cuz like come on look at where staying the same has gotten you.Your the starting Quarterback of the 49ers. Thats AMAZING." I said smiling at him he looked at me and smiled

"Yeah you're right you're actually the first person who's said that to me most people just agree with me and it makes me feel even more bad." He said giving me this look that made my heart melt

"Well you've been talking to the wrong people." I said smiling back at him

"So continue with your story." He said

"Oh yah huh.Um I ended up picking UNLV school was always fun I didn't stay in dorms thank god but after 6 years I got my masters and passed all my tests and graduated.The day of the graduation was amazing more than my high school graduation for sure." I said smiling

"So what are you doing in San Francisco?" He asked with a smile

"Well I wanted to go to a new place I actually want to move to LA to be closer to family I have a sister and brother there.My parents still live in Vegas so I visit the most I can." I said

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