Chapter 7

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"Brie open the door."

"No I'm good." I said  

"Come on you're acting childish." I could tell he was a bit annoyed but its not my fault.

"REALLY I'M BEING CHILDISH?!?" I yelled sitting down on my bed.

"YEAH YOU ARE !" He yelled back.

"YEAH CUZ I'M THE ONE WHO GETS MAD WHEN PEOPLE DON'T KISS ME!!" I shouted back I can't believe he's blaming this on me.

"THIS IS ALL NEW TO ME !" He yelled.

"WHAT!" I asked not as loud as the other times

"THIS NEW TO ME!" He finally yelled

"What does that even mean?" I asked without yelling

"This is all different I'm not used to this." He said sounding a bit tired

"What you don't know how to be nice to girls?" I asked a bit confused

"No I can be nice but you're just different and I don't know how to deal with you." He said

"JUST TREAT ME LIKE A NORMAL PERSON I'M NOT DIFFERENT!!" I yelled I was really getting tired of that excuse

"I CAN'T!" He yelled back

"WHY??!!" I asked

" I don't know."He said sounding as confused as me"Can you open the door please?" He said a couple seconds after

"No." I said I really don't even want to talk to him let alone see him

"Brie come on." He said I was tempted to open it but I was able to stop before I made that mistake. After a while I heard this crutches hit the floor so I guessed he left I changed into my pj's well not really they were shorts and a tank top (pic on the side) 

but still anyway I decided to go to bed when I layed down I noticed I hadn't seen loki the WHOLE day this could not be good.I looked under the bed and he wasn't there then I checked the bathrooms and cabinets and I still couldn't find him.The worst thing is that I think I left the door open and he probably got out if he did and got into Colin's things I might get in trouble.I guess I should go find him but I don't want to what if I run into Colin I don't want to see him especially after what Loki might have done.I probably won't he went somewhere else so I guess I was in the clear.When I opened my door I was Colin sitting on the floor with Loki asleep on his lap.

"I think your dog got out." He said trying hard not to laugh

"Yeah I think he might have." I said smiling looking at the floor

"So about what happened earlier--"

"NO, don't, its fine"I said cutting him off

"No I wanted to apologize I shouldn't have done that especially if it made you feel uncomfortable"He said and I think I may be going insane why is he so mean then so nice,I swear I'm gonna go crazy if he does it again

"It's fine."I said

"Okay so like...are we good." He said tilting his head as if he didn't know what to do or say

 "Yes." I say smiling

"Okay so going back to that I'm guessing you like Bruno Mars?" He asked god I was hoping he wouldn't have got the message

"Uh I don't know." I said looking around to avoid making eye contact.While I was turning I saw he had a smirk on his face

"You do don't you." He said this time laughing

"Why do you want to know?" I asked

"I can hook it up." He said laughing "If you didn't know we stay in contact." he added.I just raised my eyebrow I didn't know what to say I mean meeting Bruno Mars would be a dream I've been trying to get tickets but they would always sell out like 10-15 minutes.

"I don't want to "Hook up" with him." I said laughing quoting hook up

"Why not I know his type and it's definitely you." He said looking me up and down with wide eyes

"Well I just want to meet him you know so he can know I exist if he know that I'm good." I said making him laugh

"Well he's gonna be in town in like a couple of days I could ask him if he wants to come over." He said

"Can we go to the concert too?" I asked like child asking their parents for candy. He smiled and nodded

"Okay oh my god you have no idea how big this is for me." I said

"Just being nice." He said I noticed he was trying to get up but couldn't I knew he needed help I was just gonna wait until he asked me for help

"Well I'm gonna go to bed." I said I saw his expression to kinda worried to HOLLY SHIT IM SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR TODAY

"Wait." He said before I closed the door.

"Yeah?" I asked peeking my head through the door

"Goodnight."He said smiling again trying to get up but failing once again.I closed the door but didn't move I sat my the door waiting for him to call me for help.A couple minutes went by and still nothing those minutes soon turned to what seem like hours and he still hadn't called.I was beginning to doze off so I decided it would be best if I just went to help him so when he would let his pride aside I wouldn't have to wake up.When I was about to open the door I heard him say my name so I opened it

"Yeah?" I asked pretty loudly but then I noticed he was asleep.He looked cute when he was asleep but he did look a bit uncomfortable so I admired him for like another minute or so and kneeled next to him

"Colin." I said quietly shaking him a bit he didn't even move I did the same like 3 more times and still nothing I was beginning to think he might just want to sleep on the floor today but I couldn't leave him here so I tried something different

"KAEPERNICK!" I yelled and he jolted up he looked scared then he turned to me and calmed down

"You have someway of waking people up don't you." He said wiping his eyes

"Well I tried other things but you wouldn't even move so I went football on you." I said making him smirk

"Thats the only way I know."He said "Why did you come out here?" He asked

"I was asleep then I heard you yell out my name so I was guessing you needed help." I said "But when I came out you were asleep so I woke you up from your nightmare." I said laughing but he stayed serious well he had a small smirk.But this smirk was different

"Oh trust me it wasn't a nightmare it was actually the opposite." He said then blushed a bit I just smiled

"Really?" I asked a looked down

"Yes." He said grabbing my chin and bringing my face up

"Oh well my bad." I said grabbing his hand and bringing it down

"So need help getting to bed?" I asked

"Yes please." He said smiling

"Okay." I said putting his hand over my shoulder he held onto me and eventually wrapped both of his arms around my neck.I got him my the sides and in like a hug and pulled him up he helped a bit but I felt like i did more work.

When he was standing by himself he hugged me I felt a bit awkward and just hugged him back cuz what if he reacts like about the whole kiss thing...I rather just hug him but hey no one says I can't right.I thought it would be like a 10 second hug but it turned into like a 2 minute one and with every second that past he would hug me tighter and tighter. A couple more minutes passed.

"Colin?" I said not even knowing if he was awake

"Yeah." He said

"I'm tired." I said awkwardly

"Oh yeah sorry."He said letting me go

"Well goodnight." I said walking into my room.

"Night."He said then I closed the door

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