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Chapter Two

Lillian's POV

When I finish writing again, I'm still not off of my laughter from the expression when I called him a little girl. I flash him the notebook again and wait until it looks like he's done reading to pull it away.

My dorm room is 27. On the third floor... Isn't that where I am?

Wow. This boy is VERY cute. I was too busy freaking out to notice right away but... wow. His eyes are beautiful. They make him look young, but also wise. I wonder what he sees in my eyes. Does he think they're pretty? No! What the heck Lily?! Stop!

"Let me see your schedule babydoll." He says standing up. Wow. He's tall too. And strong. I don't know if I can handle living with this boy; he is damn near perfect, and I'm, well... not.

"Hello?" There is a hand waving around in front of my face and it brings me out of my string of thoughts.

I'm sure that the look I give him is closest to the 'oh shit' face. If it isn't then I'm not sure why he's laughing so hard right now.

He has a look of utter amusement plastered on his perfect face and I wonder if I was staring too long. I probably was. It's fine though, everything's fine. Catching myself from doing it again, I reach into my bag and pull out a crumpled, trashy looking piece of paper and hand it to him.

After he studies it for a minute he glances around and walks to the nightstand to grab his own for a comparison. I look around his arm and see that we were assigned the same room. Room 27.

He hands me my schedule and laughs softly to himself with a wide smirk. Apparently he's done with this conversation, because he walks back over to the bed that I assume is his and gets his phone out again.

"Well I guess we're rooming together, hun." He says it with his face buried in his game, acting like it's normal to room with the opposite gender. He must know what I'm thinking when he sees my expression, because he says, "You'd better get used to it sugar, 'cause this is real."

I realize that I'm still standing in the doorway and start to walk into the room. "Your bed's over there", he is pointing to a bed straight across from his. I shake out of my still position and walk over to it, setting my bag down as I do. I high five myself mentally because I knew that was my bed. Although it isn't much of an accomplishment because that's the only other bed here.

"What's your name, babydoll? Well, I just answered my own question. It's Baby Doll. My name is Michaels. Jason Michaels." I could tell he was trying to impersonate James Bond, but it wasn't working too well. I simply nod and hand him my notebook before I move to sit down on my own bed.

My name is Lillian Monterra. A lot of people call me Lily, but I'll answer to either.

I once again resort to my trusty notepad. It knows more about me than anyone. Even when I'm not talking to anyone, I write my feelings in it. When you think about it, it's more of a journal than a mode of communication.

When he looks up after he finishes reading the note, I see something flash across his features. Disappointment? Sadness? I don't know what it was, but I didn't have time to figure it out before it was gone. The expression left his face as quickly as it came.

When we make eye contact again I send him two thumbs up trying to ask him if he is okay. He seems to get the message easily enough because he nods his head at me and plasters a small smile on his face. As he hands me my notebook back he asks, "Are you okay? You seem awfully quiet." The words come out of his mouth as if he can sense that something is wrong.

I'm good. Thanks.

Nodding, he tries a different question, "You just don't talk a lot, do you?" I try to stay calm and careful, because he doesn't know to what extent my silence goes. It's hard to keep a level head though, and I don't manage very well. I can feel my body going rigid and start to feel my eyes drop as I frown at the question.

I try to remind myself that he doesn't know and that he wouldn't have said it if he did, but it just doesn't work. My mood changes like that, and that's one of the reasons I was so worried about getting a roommate. No one should have to try and deal with this mess.

Jason's POV

When I ask if she doesn't talk a lot, her whole persona changes. The stance of her body makes her look angry; all of her muscles are tensed. She even has red hot angry splotches on her face. But then she looks sad at the same time; she closed her eyes to stop tears from pouring out. I leaned up in my bed and look at her with concern reaching my face. After a few moments she takes a deep breath to steady herself and opens her eyes again.

"Lily, are you okay?" I am almost surprised by the sound of my voice, I'm definitely more concerned than I thought.

The beautiful girl just nods, but I don't believe her. Maybe I should drop the payer attitude and bring Nice Jason back. I unwrinkle my shirt as I stand from my spot on the bed and walk the few feet to where she is sitting, basically frozen in her spot. I go to put my hand on her shoulder in a motion of comfort, but her weary eyes see and she flinches like I'm going to hurt her. God, what happened to her?

Lily looks back at me with huge doe eyes and stands up quickly, dropping her notebook on the floor as she did. In one quick motion she is locked in the bathroom and I'm left standing here like an idiot thinking what happened?

Once I realize what I said and why she reacted like that, I work on fixing it to make sure she's okay. "Lily? Lily, open the door! I'm sorry, I didn't know it was such a big deal!" As I'm talking a make my way over to stand in front of the locked door and place my hand on the outside of the frame.

Of course I get silence as an answer from her. "Lily, please? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

After another minute of silence there is a loud bang in the bathroom. Immediately my heart starts racing faster and I'm knocking on the door again, louder this time.

"Lily!?" There was no answer. I guess if you thought about it though, even if she's okay she wouldn't answer.

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