Start from the beginning

I looked up and there was Simon wearing skinny blue jeans and a dark blue shirt which show off his biceps. I gulped. "Hey," I said shyly. Like what the hell? I am never so shy around Simon.

"Pling.Pling..Pling. Goes my phone

"You better get that Pop, it seems important." I nodded. I looked on my phone with a smile but when I saw the name my smile vanished.

"You okay?" Simon asked reading my face reaction.

"Um, yeah. " I lied

"Really Poppy, you decided to lie to me and didn't think I will not know?"


"I know you my entire life, I know when you are lying or not."

"Or, Well if you must know, all three messages were from Reuben." I watched as I tell Simon that, his face grew dull.

"I can't believe you are still together with that dude."

"Me too. That why I'm going to dump him."

"You are?"Simon echoed.


"Good now.."

"Bleep" goes my phone again. I'm so sorry, just give me a quick second.

"Sure," Simon said dully.

I read all four messages. Three was from Reuben which reads "Poppy, hey, um, I'm sorry."

"Poppy, let me explained." "Babe, forgive me, Let me explained to you I'm coming over right now. I need to tell you my half."

"Okay, I will only give you seven minutes. Two minutes to get here, and five to explained. So u better hurry." I pressed send.

And the other message was from Laura, and it reads" Well who it is? Wait, let me guessed. Is it Simon? ;-)"

I texted her quickly smiling to myself. "Yes Laura, Bye." I pressed send and muted my phone and tossed it on my bed.

"Simon, did you have something you came for?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Actually I came to discuss the kiss we shared." As if it was on cue, my face heated up and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh, the kiss." I tried to act natural.


"Come in". I instructed as I expected a guest.

"Poppy, thanks for giving me a chance to explained."

"Mhm." I hummed.

"Oh. Hey Simon, um can you give me and Poppy some privacy?"

"No, I will not. I can't trust you alone with her since you left her for the lion and run to save your self." Simon said throwing shades.

"Listen fella..." I stpped in. "Guys, please no. Reuben, just say what you gotta say, you only have two minutes remaining anyway. And Simon, just remain mute please."

Simon just walked over to opposite side in my room leaning against my wall by my window. Reuben ignored Simon presence and began explaining to me.

"Fine, Poppy, you know I couldn't fight, I'm new to the school and I don't want to make my parents upset or regretted I transfer and dirty up my perfect record," Reuben explained, while I stood there, in disgust.

"So you prefer a dude that is stronger and bigger in muscles than I to take advantage of me than help. okay, I believe I heard enough. And here's what I wanted to tell you."

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