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Poppy's pov;

"Simon, what are we doing?" I asked trying to decreased my heart rate back to normal.

"Kissing on the floor Poppy".  Simon said sounding assiduously with a cheeky smirk

"You know what I mean, why are we kissing?"

"Because you asked me to kiss you."

"Simoonnnn, you know what I meant."

"You sure about that?"Simon teased.

"Simon, what are we?"I asked sounding more sternly.

"We're best friends Poppy".  Simon said smirking. "With benefits" He finished.

"What?" No." I said standing up instantly, disapproving that status.

"Just kidding Poppy, lighten up. "

"Well, it isn't funny Simon." I pouted.

"Okay, sorry. Well, I got to go now, mom needs her pills."

"Oh, okay, go, tell her hi for me". I said politely hoping I hide the hurt and disappointment in my voice.

"Sure thing, you know she loves to hear from you." Simon smiled genuinely which has an effect of me smiling as well.

  And poppy?"


"Will you do me the honor of making me the luckiest guy by becoming my girlfriend?"

I stood there in shock. Was I hearing right? My best friend who I knew literally my enter life is asking met be his girlfriend. This must be a dream. A pretty sweet dream too.

"Well?"He questioned nervously, which is really cute.

I smiled sweetly and said, "I love to."

"Lovely. See you later Pops."

"Okay, bye". I said biting my lip as he left my room. Oh my gosh, I couldn't'  believe it but my first love belongs to someone who'd been my best friend whom I know from birth and now he's my boyfriend. No way, this isn't happening. 

"THANK YOU JESUS!" I said automatically as I jumped wildly in my bedroom.  when I  got an epiphany. I gotta face time Luara, she will squeal when I told her the news, I'm so excited.

I quickly dialed Laura number hoping she'll pick up immediately. And I was defiantly in luck. She picked up on the 3rd ring. 

"Heyy Pops. What's up? Laura asked with a sweet smile. Her face was beneath her face-mask and her hair was in a high one with a  bun. 

"You wouldn't believe what had just happened to me and Simon."

"What? You both hooked up?"

"Luara I'm serious." 

"Okay, oaky, Umm, you told Simon that you and Reuben is done and he said something cocky."

"Noo.Well kinda but nooo. Not that."

"Okay, what?"

"We kissed."


"Yeahh and it was full of all kind of emotions. But he had to go home to help his mom."

"What?That not natural. You both kissed and he just left?"

"Well, I might of leave out a very small detail."


"He asked me to be his girlfriend". I said sounding sad to throw her off guard

"WHAT? Why are you looking like this? Don't tell me you decline his offer after everything that happens between the both of you these couple of weeks. Espically after a really hot meaningful kiss." 

I remained looking at her with a sad face and said, "Well, I did say YESSSSS!

"WHATTTT? No way. You and Simon are now..?"

"Yes way. We're a couple."

"Poppy I'm so happy for you. Congrats. You two are meant for each other."

"Yeah yeah, Well I didn't tell my mom as yet tho."

"WHAT? Well, what are you waiting for? Tell the world because in a couple of months we have to be planning for your dream wedding. "

"Oh shut up. Don't exaggerate it. But yeah, I'm going to call my mom now and tell her. Call you back when I'm done."

"Yeah boo. And I'm so happy for both of you." Laura smiled sweetly at me through her phone.

I hang up and dialed my phone. Mom answered on the first ring.

"Hey  lovecake."

"Hey, mom."

"So what's up?"

"Ma you remembered Reuben?"

"Oh gosh,please tell me that you guys ain't getting married?

"Gosh no, ma. And I'm too young to get married."

"Yeah but you'll be 18 in a couple of months, an engagement can go on for years."

"Ma, that is not why I call you for."

"Okay good. You have your full life in front of you. Don't do anything dumb."

"Yes, ma I know. Anyways, Reuben and me broke-up."

"Oh honey, he dumped you. I never liked him anyway."

"Ma, just listen. I broke it off."

"My girl."


"Okay okay. talk, I'll listen."

"Okay good. Well, I broke it off because it wasn't working anymore. We are both on two different boats that we were trying to make one but it couldn't work so we just sailed our own ways. But Simon and I did something."

"I'll ignore your bad sailing reference and just tell me what you both did? You both didn't kill the guy didn't you?"

"Of course not ma. You should know. Anyways we kinda kissed on my bedroom floor."


"What? You not upset or even disappointed?"

"What? Don't be silly. Simon told me years ago that he did like you and your last stayed by me he confessed to me his feelings have grown deeper and how he had fallen madly in love with you, because he wanted my blessing and I ofc give him my blessing but then I saw he dated another girl and you dated this guy so I stayed mute to avoid any teenage drama."

"Oh ma. He has fallen in love with me?"

"Oh poppy, you may get straight A's but you are really dumped to not see that Simon have always like you from the age of 6 and is now in love with you from the age of 15."

"He ain't tell me anything."

"Poppy, listen, don't rush it. He has been in love for years and now he has you, it's a big change. Just give him some time okay."

"Okay, ma. Well, I have to go. Thanks for the advice."

"Your welcome lovecake. Bye."

"Laters ma." I hang up and lay flat on my bed. 'i'm gonna tell dad. And hopefully, he takes it well. I think out loud.


Don’t let evil defeat you, but defeat evil by doing good.
-Romans 12:21 [ERV]



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