"Oh baby they smell so good" he moaned as he held up the containers he had found, hoping there would be enough. Winking she grinned as she put the last dish she had washed on the draining board, rinsing her hands and patting them dry before taking the containers from him with a kiss.

"Back in a minute babe, just want to put this in the truck and I'll help you load them up" Jacob stated, kissing her cheek before grabbing the cooler and making his way towards his truck, jogging quickly so he could get back to help her quickly. He didn't like how she had to do all the cooking herself when he should have remembered, though the reason he hadn't commented was she seemed to enjoy doing so…not to mention the food looked and smelled incredible.

Running back into his house he saw her piling the last burger into the container, shaking his head when he finally realised just how many she had cooked. He didn't realise there was that much meat in the fridge, let alone what their was in front of him. Billy must have brought it he concluded, immediately going to her to as he wrapped his arms around her lower waist.

"Paul's going to ring any second" Brooke stated, quickly clipping on the lid just as the phone rang. Jacob gave her another kiss on his mating mark before walking to the phone, his brows creased as he quickly picked it up.

"What Paul?"

"Oh thank good, dude hurry the hell up and get here!" Pauls voice snapped on the other end, Jacob wincing slightly making Brooke look at him with concern before getting a dreamy look on her features.

"Jesus calm down, were now coming" Jacob hissed back, his eyes never leaving his imprints.

"Don't get bitchy with me, your fucking leech-lover is here!" Paul snarled, hating the girl as he sneered at her from the opposite side of the bonfire. She knew about their secret now after he had accidently phased in front of her. Sam and Emily were trying to calm her down but she was being a bitch about it, it wasn't his fault he wanted to kill the bitch when she slapped him. She fucking slapped him! How dare she! He thought he would have succeeded if it wasn't for both Sam and Jared pulling him off, he could have fought but the last thing he wanted was to seriously injure one of his pack mates. They didn't deserve that, the leech-lover though – she did.

"What happened?" Jacob sighed, running a hand over his face as he remembered something about her saying she was going to come. He cursed internally, Bella may be one of his best friends but he had wanted to spend some time with his imprint. It was the weekend tomorrow which is why they had the bonfire on a Friday, so it could go as late as they wanted it to. Looking at his imprint he noticed her frowning slightly, a small frown on his face making him panic, what had she seen?

"The whore knows our secret" was his flat comment, Jacob frowning as a response.

"One don't call her that and two, what do you mean she knows?" he asked, watching his imprint carefully when he saw her biting her lip and looking at the floor. Something was upsetting her and as soon as his twat of a pack mate got off the phone he was immediately going to find out what was the matter, he couldn't stand to see her being anything but happy and relaxed.

"She knows we turn into massive wolves…" he stated before giving a summary of what happened, afterwards Jacob was beyond furious.

"What the hell Paul! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jacob shouted down the phone, he had never wanted Bella to find out and now she did she was going to be asking questions. Questions he didn't want to answer but knew he would have to.

"Jacob! Don't talk to him like that" Brooke exclaimed, her eyes wide as she frowned at how her mate was treating his friend.

"Stay out of this Brooke" he snapped before instantly regretting it, hearing Paul snap at him for being a arsehole before Jacob let the phone drop. Brookes eyes filled with tears, her bottom lip quivering as she quickly tore her gaze away from his pained expression.

"Fine" she sighed out quietly, turning away to pile the containers up so she could take them to the beach. Jacob stood their stunned, his heart causing him physical pain as he watched her wide eyes fill with tears as she quickly turned away from him. He couldn't believe he said that to his imprint, he had to fix this.

"Brooke..." he started gently, stepping forward only to be cut off by her quiet voice.

"It's fine Jacob, let's just get going ok were already late enough as it is?" she said softly, blinking away her tears as she heaved the containers up and headed towards the door, only to have it blocked by a purely pained looking Jacob. She couldn't look at him, the pain on his face making her heart clench painfully as she did so.

"Baby please" he begged, yes begged and he would do it over and over again if it would make her happy.

"Really Jake…" she started though he cut her off again.

"It's not alright baby, I hurt you – just…tell me how to fix it, please" he pleaded, finding his eyes filling with his own tears as he felt as if his heart was on fire as he looked into her pained gaze. He needed to fix this; he needed to do whatever it took to make this better!

"Oh sweetness" she smiled softly, placing the tower of containers on the counter so she could get on her toes to cup his hot cheeks, gazing at him with both forgiveness and adoration.

"I'm so sorry" he said sincerely, not being able to help himself as he wrapped his arms around her to bring her closer, his nose buried in her neck as he breathed in her scent. Thankfully she didn't pull away, rather relaxing in his grip as they stood there for a few minutes before Jacob broke the silent.

"Come on baby, were late as it is" Jacob winked, patting her perfect butt before grabbing the food before she could protest. Snorting in laughter she quickly followed, locking up for him as they made their way to the beach.

"Thanks for cooking babe" Jacob smiled, his hand on her knee as she smiled at him. The familiar warmth ran through him making him want to purr in delight, he knew he would never snap at her again, she was the last person who deserved it when she was only looking out for his pack mate.

"Oh hush, I take it you like my food then" she laughed, already knowing the answer as his stomach rumbled at the mere thought of her cooking.

"Hell yea, after hearing from Seth how good your breakfast was everyone keeps coming around to try and catch you cooking" Jacob snorted, remembering hearing it in their thoughts of their plans to do so. He couldn't help but shake his head, hell even Sam was eager to try it.

"Sure, Sure" she muttered rolling her eyes, but a smile was on her lips as she did so "So what do we do at the bonfire then?" she asked curiously, excited since she had never been to one before. She didn't get out a lot, she never had.

"Since it isn't a proper bonfire with the elders it's just simple stuff, music playing, eating and drinking etc.…you'll love it" he beamed, looking forward to this bonfire the most. He couldn't wait to spend time with his imprint, though the whole Bella thing was going to get complicated.

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