"Oh right, well you know I said I was a little odd" she asked, snorting when everyone in the room nodded causing Jacob to glare, at least they had the decency to look sheepish.

"Sorry" was mumbled around, Brooke rolling her eyes but smiling anyway as she pushed away her empty plate. Jacob frowned, since when did she get food and he didn't? Not that he had anything against her eating, he had realised that she was actually a little on the thin side. He would make sure to get her to eat more, wanting her to be nothing but safe, happy and healthy.

"Well don't freak out, but I'm a seer" she stated matter-of-factly, leaning her elbows on the table as her hands went under her chin to rest her head on. She stared and waited while everyone went into shock. She couldn't help but roll her eyes, they were wolves, they took down vampires for fucks sake and they were freaking out over a human seer. Shish, she did not see that coming.

Jacob was first to break out of it, feeling her fidget uncomfortably under their states and wanting to sooth her before she got to nervous and left. The thought made his wolf whimper, growling too low for her to hear to snap them the fuck out of it before they scared her off.

"So you what, see the future?" he asked bluntly causing her to giggle, the tension in the room effectively broken and the smile was back on his face.

"I knew you would be smarter than these idiots" she laughed, causing everyone to protest, still feeling guilty after making her uncomfortable under their stares.

"Hey who are you calling an idiot, you've got to admit it's a bit of a shock" Embry growled defensively causing Jacob to growl in return as he pulled her closer, he had better fucking watch his tone. Sensing his mistake he quickly tried to back track, only digging his hole deeper causing everyone to wince and take a few instinctive steps back as he stuttered over his words.

"Oh shit…you know I didn't mean it like that, everyone thought she was a freak….wait not a freak but you know odd…" he started to stutter as everyone cringed away under Jakes glare, what was it with people calling his mate a freak?

"It's fine Embry I admit I'm odd, but seriously I thought you would take it better" she sighed honestly, wiggling in Jacobs lap as she tried to get into a more comfortable position which was impossible since all she felt in his arms was pure contentment and happiness, something she hadn't had a lot of in her life.

"Why?" the idiot just had to ask.

"Because I don't know, your bloody wolves?" she stated bluntly with a raised brow, Leah snorting as she tried to stop her laugher which shocked everyone. Leah hadn't smiled at all since Sam phrased; imprinting had really done a number of her.

"Damn, I am totally going to like you girl" Leah smirked, meaning every word of it. She liked the girl, the fact she was blunt and didn't beat around the bush with everything and while she was one of the pack who immediately thought freak when she burst into the room she could feel herself feeling guilty over it, the girl was incredibly special once you got talking to her.

"Cool" was all Brooke stated, leaning back against Jacobs's bare chest causing them both to shiver. His wolf was clawing at him to claim her, to sink his canines into the junction between her neck and shoulder so everyone would know that she was taken, claimed and his! The thought make him twitch, being constantly and achingly hard in her presence, especially with her so close. He was so going to get crap for this when he patrolled, but with his life in his lap he couldn't bring it to him to either regret it nor feel angered by it. How had he ever been happy without her?

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