Chapter 2 - The Bond

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It was already night. Both of the teens put back the memories book back where it was placed. Marco then slept, but Star was still holding on one of the pictures, it was the Blood Moon Ball.

Star: This look very familiar. But, I can't seem to put a memory of this in my mind.

As Star was trying to remember the dance, a bright scarlet red light shone from her room window. She saw it and got a view of the blood colored moon.

Star: That looks like the moon from this picture! I need to know more!

Star was thinking and thinking a way to get more information about the blood moon, and then it clicked.

Star: Red, blood... AHA! Tom! Maybe Tom knows about any of this!

Star ran down and got out of the house and ran to Tom. She saw Tom on a garden bench, reading a book.

Star: Hey uhm, Tom?
Tom: Oh, hey Star. What do you need?
Star: I was just wondering if you know any information about that moon.

Star pointed the blood moon and showed it to Tom. Tom couldn't believe his eyes, the blood moon wasn't been showing around after the whole bond breaking incident.

Tom: Have you got memories of Marco again? It does seem kind of familiar to me.
Star: Yeah, here.

Star took the Blood Moon Dance picture out and showed it to Tom.

Tom's POV

It seems like the bond was not permanently broken.

Tom: Do you want to know everything?
Star: Yes I do.
Tom: That dance makes two souls bond together for eternity, it is called the Blood Moon Ball. It shows up when a partner is in danger or in emotions. It only happens once in 667 years. That dance was actually meant for me and you but then Marco showed up. You really make a great couple.

The memory clicked in Star's mind after Tom said the whole thing, she remembered the whole dance and also the breaking the bond dance.

Star: TOM! TOM!
Tom: What? And also stop screaming my name!
Tom: Well that was easier than I expected.
Star: Thanks Tom, your the best. I'll go back to my room now and sleep. Bye and thanks again!
Tom: Bye!

Star walked to their house and to her room. She jumped to her bed, thinking about the Blood Moon Ball.

Star's POV

I can't believe it, the blood moon ball, it's still on my mind, what if the bond was never broken?

Star quickly got to sleep after all of the bad thoughts was replaced by blood moon thoughts.


Marco got up out of bed and the first thing that came to his mind was the Blood Moon Ball.

Marco: THE BLOOD MOON BALL! I finally remember it!

Marco closed his eyes and playing the memory of the blood moon, it looked so vivid to him.

Marco's POV

I remembered it! The bond, the curse, and the dance! And it's still on my mind! What if the bond was never broken?

Chapter 2 End.

Sorry if it's a short chapter, kinda have some school things to do. Next chapter will be released soon, bye!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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