Enemy's permission, brother's blessing

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So, why not just trick Touya? Test him or something.

Syaoran was processing ideas and visualize his options, and then it hits him. Sakura was close friends with Tomoyo, a cute girl who's always seen tagging along with him, Sakura, and Meiling(his cousin who's inlove with him) and is always so polite and sweet and soft spoken. Plus insanely rich. But even though her family was rich they weren't snobs or anything. They were like Sakura's family, rich as hell but kind, good natured and hates snobby rich people who wastes their money on useless things rather then using money to help the poor.

Syaoran smiles, it was Sakura's family who pays rent for their home/shop whenever they couldn't afford to pay for the high rent. And everytine Yukito or him wants to pay back the money they refused with dignity. Sakura sometimes even offers buying Syaoran the nice clothes he's always wanted, but he always and will always refuse, he doesn't want to seem like a gold digger.

"Uh, hey Uh Touya" Syaoran began rather awkwardly.

Touya grunted to show he was listening.

"Listen um. It hurts me to say it but....uh--"

"---Get a move on" Touya snaps.

Syaoran bit back a remark and a snarky comment. He was gonna apologise for being rude everyday to get on his good side. But fine, he'll go straight to the point.

"Alright, Well you see...you're good with women right?"

Touya was surprised, clearly not expecting this. Yes he's had several girlfriends before, with his handsome features and toned body he is quite the ladies man. "Why?"

"Well, there's this girl Yukito likes" stupid. Why'd he bring Yukito into this?

Touya snickers, "Yukito? Likes a girl? I find that hard to believe"

"Yea sure, anyway I um, like this girl too but Yukito also likes her but....how can I put this...she's slightly younger then him but slightly older then me"

"Younger then Yukito, who's eighteen, and older then you? Who's fourteen, so, she's sixteen or something?" Touya asks for confirmation.

"Yep! So, who do you think has a better chance with her?"

"No shit sherlock, Yukito does" 

Damn it. That wasn't the response he wantes. Ok, lets try again

"Well, ok, she isn't realy my type. But, there's another girl that I like, but her stupid over protective----Uncle, wouldn't let me get so much as five steps near her, the only way we get to hang out is when he's not around, or when we're surrounded by other friends, plus I'm scared of confessing my love for her because he might find out and kill me!" Syaoran began

Touya snorted. "Kid, everyone wants to kill you, even me"

Or maybe only Touya, since Syaoran is liked by all, and the only enemy he has is Touya. "Yea, anyway, what would you do? If you were in my situation? How would you get the girl you like's protective gaurdian who hates your guts, give you permission to have her?" Syaoran asks.

Touys shrugs. "Earn his trust I guess" He then turns to Syaoran. "But if that fails, just give up because you'll never have her. Ever. I'm not stupid Syaoran I know what you're doing, you're trying to trick me to giving you my blessing and permission for Sakura"

Uh oh, not good.

Touya's eyes however, softenned. "Which I'll gladly give"


"For once you held back a remark that'll ruin your chances with Sakura, became polite for once, and talked to me calmly and never showed me a hint of desperation, also, the part about the 'stupid uncle' kind of gaved you away, since the story was familiar" Touya explains with a straight face, but his lips were twitching in amusement.

"Oh uh, thanks?" Syaoran says not believing it.

"Just, If I find out you hurt her in anyway possible, I will hunt you down, and burn you at a stake"  Touya glared darkly at him

Realy? The classic witch trial threat? That threat is so last season. But he's not conplaining, he's just gotten himself Touya's permission to court Sakura!

"Be sure to come by the house with her favorite flowers" Touya added.

Soon Yukito finnaly came downstairs carrying the pink coat for Sakura. "Here it is, it'll be----"

"---Free. Its on the house" Syaoran inturrupted giving Touya the coat. Both older boys were surprised. "No, I'm paying"

"You're our best customer Touya, and that coat is for Sakura, so its free" Syaoran explains with a smile. The two older boys sweat dropped and looked confused. Not used to Syaoran being si....nice? To Touya?

Without another word Touya left feeling shaken.

Yukito looked at his younger brother. "Did you eat something? Who are you and what have you done with Syaoran?" he asked with wide eyes.

Syaoran ignored him. He was too happy.

"All that worrying of dying as soon as I ask Touya for his permission to court Sakura was nothing! Now if you'll excuse me" He grabbed his jacket and ran out the door

"Where are you going?" Yukito called after him.

"To buy flowers for the most beautiful girl alive!" Syaoran yelled back running to the flower shop.

A/N: Meh, I was just bored which was why I wrote this but re-reading this made me realize how badly put this one is! I'll make it up on the next one-shot

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