
Jimin pov

The meeting went on for hours upon hours, discussion about politics, to how should we tax the people. How much food that is left and making sure it will survive the upcoming season. To more political and then to local police work, who's on trial to who needs execution and so on.

There was so much going on and it's no wonder Jungkook is so tired every evening but he made sure he has time for me. But at the same time it's no wonder I personally don't come to these meetings. Then the meeting takes its turn to the borders of the north and the south. "My Lord, we need more man guarding the southern borders." Adam says. "I visit the south and we need more man. Lord Tao is finding ways to sneak into our land and destroying small villages."

"Has anyone heard from Lord Tao yet?" Jungkook asked.

"No, my lord. Apparently he is missing at the moment." One said.

"Missing? And has anyone even thought to find him." Jungkook asked again. "Find his whereabouts... it won't be long until he is at our front doors."

"My lord, why not use the blue blood to find him? I hear he has great powers." Adam says. "Why doesn't he demonstrate his powers?"

"Sorry?" I asked being out on the spot.

"Why don't you demonstrate your powers?" He asked again.

I look at Jungkook and he looked at me, and I look back at Adam. Truth be told, I honestly don't want to for one thing I'm pregnant and I want to take an easy. Listening to the doctors wishes and not stress my body over it. So I decided to something small, I lift my hand circling my wrist and a small wind with leaving came flying in and taking a shape of a bunny. Cute. It dance around them, but Adam doesn't seem pleased about it.

"That's it? I'm sure you can do better than that, how about I help you." So Adam pull his sword and quickly charged at me and I immediately dodged it, taking me out of my seat.

Everyone around the room, move out of the way as Adam strike again, dodging it again from left, right, duck down, and backflipping by kicking his sword out of my way and land on top of a statue. Who would have thought dodging an attack can wear me out so quickly, catching my breath Adam came charging at me again. Quickly I pull out my sword out of thin air to block his attack.

I can feel his strength, "What's wrong? Why are you not showing your potential?" He pushes me back almost lost my balance and he strike again but this time at my baby belly and I quickly dodged leaving a small gasps from my lips. Jungkook and his friends saw this and immediately become alarmed by it and that did it. Putting my hands over where my babies are and protect it.

"Ahh~? Seems like I hit a nerve. Your sensitive spot." Adam says to me while I look at my belly.

"I was told not to stress, but now your getting on my nerves." I said to him.

"Yeah? Well good. Now I will get to see what your capable of."

"Fine." And I start taking my first move at him. Going for his head, dodged it. His side, block. Leg. Block again.

Going for his head once again but he blocks it easily again, which I was counting on this time and I pull out my other sword from thin air and strike him with the other. He was going to kick me at my stomach but I move away quickly before he could. Jungkook became more alarm then ever as he watch us fight.

Now it was his turn to attack, his attacks are aggressive and each time I dodged him, the more frustrated he comes. "Stop playing around!" He shouted at me in anger. As he continued to attack me but failed each time he dose.

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