Welcome to Diagon Alley (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Follow me." said the goblin.

We followed the goblin into a cart and once we got inside, he said, "Hold on to your stuff and your lunch." He then pulled a lever and started zooming.

"Vault 687. Key please." the goblin said. Hagrid traded the key for the lamp and opened the vault.

"Lamp please." the goblin said as Hagrid handed the lamp back.

"Whoa." Harry said.

"You don't think your parents left you with nothing did ya." Hagrid said. "Grab some stacks Harry and we'll head to Y/N's vault."

We got back into cart (and we went skrrrt) to our next destination.

"Vault 583. Key please." the goblin said and Hagrid handed him the key as he hold the lamp. The vault then opened revealing so many coins.

"WOAHH." I beamed.

"Now grab some stacks Y/N." Hagrid said. I nodded and went to grab some stacks and we went back into the cart.

"Vault 713." the goblin spoke. He didn't asked for a key this time. He just opened the vault and revealed a small thing wrapped around in white cloth. Hagrid went and grabbed the thing and put it in his coat.

"Now kids, don't mention this to anyone." Hagrid said. Me and Harry nodded we all went back to the cart.

After we left Gringotts, me and Harry went to get ours books and robes.

"Now all we need is our wands and a pet." Harry said. "What do you want to get first?"

"Let's go get our wands!" I said.

"Wands?" Hagrid asked and we both nod. "Well, you'll want Ollivander's. No place better. Now you two run along. I have one more thing I have to do, but it won't be long."

Harry and I went to a small shop but it seem that any one was there.

"Hello?" Harry called out. Then a man appeared behind the counters.

"I wondered when I'd be seeing you Potter and L/N. It seems only yesterday that both your parents were here buying their first wands." he said.

"Are you Ollivander?" I asked politely.

"Yes I am." He said as he went to get wands off the shelves.

"Mr. Potter you first." He spoke as Harry took the wand.

"Well, give it a wave." and Harry did as he said but boxes came flying off of the shelves.

"Apparently not." Ollivander said taking the wand away from Harry. He gave an other wand to Harry and when he wave the wand, a vase broke.

"No, no." he said as he went back to the shelves. "I wonder." He mumbled. He gave Harry the wand and a light appeared.

"Curious, very curious." Ollivander said.

"I'm sorry, but what's curious." Harry ask.

"I remember every wand I've sold, Mr. Potter. It just so happens that the phoenix, whose tail feather resides in your wand gave two other feathers. Just two. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when it's brother gave you that scar." he said pointing at Harry's scar. Why haven't I noticed that before?

"And who owned that want?" Harry ask.

"Oh, we do not speak of his name. The wand chooses its master. It's not always clear why, but it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things, terrible,yes, but great." Ollivander replied. "Anyways, Ms. L/N, it's your turn."

"Harry, you can wait for me at the pet shop." I said and he nodded. He paid Ollivander and left.

"Now," he said as he took a wand of the shelf and hand it to me. "I've never sold this wand to anyone but I have a feeling." He hands me the wand and I gave it a flicked. The same bright light came out of the wand and I smiled.

"You are very special Ms. L/N." Ollivander said. "This wand you see is a mix."

"What do you mean a mix?" I ask.

"Well," he begins "this is a 12 inches birch wand. This wand has both a dragon heartstring and phoenix tail feather core. This isn't found in many wands my dear. This is one of a kind and therefore, it is unbreakable and very powerful."

"Wow." that was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Is there anything else about this wand?" I asked.

"Not that I know of. It's up to you to see. If this very wand chose you, then you must be gifted. Now, I'm expecting many great things from you too, Y/N."

"I promise you will!" I said back. "How much?"

"It's fine dear. You don't need to pay." he said.

"Really? Thank you!" I said as I left the store. As I came out I saw a boy around my age. He had platinum blonde hair that is slicked back.

Draco POV
I was done getting everything I needed for Hogwarts. I was passing by Ollivander and I saw this beautiful girl. She was with an other boy getting their wands. I just stood there and looked at the girl through the window. (Stalker much)

'She's so pretty' I said to myself.

Just then the boy came out. I quickly hide behind a wall. The boy had left and I went back to the window looking at the girl. It seem as if the wand had chosen her. A bright light came out through her wand reflecting at her beauty. 'She looked so angelic. She was like a goddess.'

I got so lost in thought I didn't even see her coming out. She had caught me looking at her. I was embarrassed and I'm pretty sure it was obvious. I felt my temperature heat up and my cheeks were definitely red. She just smiled at me. That smile was everything. If I can turn back in time and watch her smile, I would. I smiled back at her and she went off.

"Draco? Are you done?" A voice called from behind. It was my father.

"Yes father." I replied.

"Then let's go." He said. I grabbed his arm and we apparated back to the manor.

Harry POV

I was waiting for Y/N by the pet store. She sure is taking her time.

Just then, she appeared.

"What took so long?" I asked.

"Oh. Nothing really." she said back. "Anyways, lets go get a pet."

We entered the store. There were so many animals. Y/N and I parted ways to see what kinds of animals they have. I saw this one particular owl. It was a snowy owl and it was the owl I was going to get. I head to the counter with my owl and I saw that Y/N had chosen an owl too. It had gray feathers with bright yellow eyes.

We both paid for our owls and got the cage and food for them.

"What are you going to name yours?" Y/N asked.

I thought for a while and said "Hedwig."

"That's a lovely name. I think I'll name mine Ash." She said and we both went to look for Hagrid.

"I see you guys have gotten everything." Hagrid said.

"Yes." Y/N and I beamed.

"Well let's go now." Hagrid said.

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