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I clung onto Bonnie for what felt like hours. Tears stopped flooding down my cheeks, and my breathing slowed. The clock rang, signaling the end of my night shift. The front doors bursted open, and footsteps and chatter filled the place.

I frowned, confused as to why people were here so early. The pizzeria didn't open for another 2 hours...?

Bonnie untangled from my hold and whispered it'd be okay. With that, he left.

I blinked, gathering my clustered thoughts. After counting to 10, I dusted myself off, rubbed off my tear stains, and fixed my hair. I headed towards the entrance with a smile on my face.

"Ah, yes!" Mike exclaimed to two men. "And here is our night guard."

I glanced at the two men and extended my arm for them to shake. "Pleasure to meet you."

The one in front of me was an old gentleman, probably in his late 60s. He stood in an elegant black tux with his head held high. His salt-and-pepper colored hair was slicked back, not letting a single strand stick out of place.

The man to his right held a younger appearance. I suspected he was in his early 40s. The two men shared the same face holding the same scowl. Father and son, I concluded.

They stared at my hand in disgust before turning to Mike.

"A female night guard?" the old man said.

Mike forced a laugh. "Sky has been working very hard at keeping this place in check."

I winced at the nickname but smiled nonetheless. They never reached to shake my hand, so I retracted it with a gulp.

"Yes, my shift just finished," I said, hoping they'd say their names.

"Skylar, these kind gentlemen are interested in buying the restaurant. Isn't that lovely?"

I forced a grin. "That's great!"

Mike searched his pockets. "I have the key right here—"

"No need," the son spoke. "We have one."

"Oh! Even better. Here, let me show you around. Come follow me to the party rooms!"

I smiled at both—neither returned it—and left. The streets were empty but slowly filling up with morning traffic. I raced home, changed into soft pajamas, and hid myself under the covers.

The sunrise peaked from behind the mountains, turning the pitch black sky into a baby blue. I groaned, tugging the blankets over my head.

I didn't leave my bed that day.

- ; - ; -

It was nearing 3 PM when I woke up.

I dragged myself into the shower and cleaned off all the dirt and tears from yesterday.

Or is it technically this morning?

I hopped out of the shower, got dressed, made some coffee, and took a seat on the balcony.

It dawned on me that it was Saturday. Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria was to be closed and would soon be forgotten. Unless the two men decided to buy it, that is.

I spent the day scouring the internet for any nearby job offers but not finding any decent ones close by.

I groaned in frustration, contacting the best job available: being a barista at a coffee shop.

I hit the send button and held my head in my hands. Sadness washed over me. I missed the godforsaken, haunted pizzeria.

I had to say goodbye.

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