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I flickered through the shows on Netflix. 8 PM rolled around, and I wanted to watch a movie before my shift began.

My phone rang next to me, and I knew who it was without looking at the caller ID. I mean, he was the only one who called me nowadays.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Um, Skylar?" His breath was erratic and sharp.

"Hey. You okay?"

"Yeah, but Dad isn't."

"What are you talking about?"

"Dad is in the hospital."

My eyes widened. "Why?"

"Remember when we talked yesterday and how I ended abruptly?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah?"

"Well, while parading in his new motorcycle with his friends, he got into a car crash."

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I - I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. And Leslie was overwhelmed since I was stressed about the accident, so I had to calm her down as well..."

Wind broke his sentences, and bustling people could be heard from a distance.

"Is he okay now?"

"I, I don't know. I'm at the hospital right now, and he's in critical condition."

"Of course he'd be. A car ran him over while he was in a weak motorcycle. That moron. He always has to be the best," I criticized.

"He didn't—"

"Do not defend that bastard, Alex, or God help me, I'll—"

"Skylar, this is unhealthy. I understand how hurt you are, but you need to stop it. It's like you want him dead."

"He didn't give a rat's ass about me! Why should I give a damn about him?"

Alex stayed silent, and I mentally counted to 5 between each breath I took.

"So you're not going to visit him?" Alex whispered.

I blew out air from my cheeks. "I, I really don't know. M-Maybe it's my chance to reconcile with him, but my job won't let me. At least, not right now. I really need the money—"

"I know, but I'm not sure how well Dad will recover. Yesterday, they said he has a low chance of making it through the night. But, but don't worry about it. I know you're struggling right now. Also, um, Dad had your upcoming checks on his desk, ready to be mailed in advance, but I guess he never did, so I mailed them for him."

I gnawed on my lip. "Thank you, Alex," I croaked.

"It's no problem, lil' sis. Keep me updated on how you are, yeah?"

"Of course. You're all I have."

With that, we ended the call. It was roughly 8:30 PM, so I clicked on the first movie I saw (13 Cameras) and began watching.

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Put off by the worst movie in the world, I threw on my jacket and mounted my car.

I mean, what kind of movie was that? The plot was decent, but the slow-paced movie really bored me. And just at the end, he finally attacked? Nah, Netflix. I'd pass.

My phone dinged as I pulled up to the now-not-so-god-forsaken restaurant. I fetched my phone to check the message.

Alex (11:41 PM): Dads holding on fine. Had some sudden internal bleeding they had to fix just now.

Illicit // Human!FNAF [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now