t h r e e

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The sizzling of scrambled eggs and crispy bacon left a thick aroma to waft through the house.

Being a quiet Tuesday afternoon, I bathed in the tranquility. My biological clock felt botched and disturbed after falling to sleep at 8 AM and waking up at 3 PM.

Jet lagged and groggy, I picked up the blaring phone that ruined the peace.

Sighing after seeing the called ID, I answered with a huff.

"Hello to you, too," my cheerful brother gleamed.

Rubbing my eyes, I greeted him, asking what was up.

"Just checking up on you. Our last conversation didn't end on a high note."

"As most of our conversations do," I muttered. "But anyway, I'm okay. Tired from last night's shift."

"You got a job?"

I was just as shocked as he was, if I was honest.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did," I affirmed the statement, still processing my new employment after months of searching. "I work the night shifts."

"I'm happy for you."

"Thanks," I smiled. "Me, too."

"What are you going to do henceforth?"

Pondering the question, I replied, "If I'm honest, I'm not too sure. Maybe stick with this job until I know a better solution. I'm kind of in a sticky mess. Dad hasn't sent his 'weekly' checks like promised. They're more bimonthly at this point, y'know? And maybe I c—"

Across the line, someone called Alex' name. Hushed whispering could be heard, along with some strained voices.

"I - Okay," he concluded.

"Is, is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"Um, I - Dad is - I'll call you back."

The beep was followed after, and my mind was racing. Is he okay? Is he ill? My stomach didn't sit right as I went to fetch the mail.

I sighed as I stared at the envelope in front of me. As expected, the paper inside only confirmed the amount of debts I had to pay off.

Selfishly, I hoped for Dad to be okay because I needed his paycheck more than anything. After all, that's all he had been good for in my life. His show of affection was mediocre at best, and his lacking presence stung more than I'd care to admit, but his money—although small—helped me stay a little less indebted than before.

(A/N: idk if skylar sounds hArSh, but she's salty and all like "oh no i'm in debt & dependent on my dad for money bc he's useless in everything else")

Illicit // Human!FNAF [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now