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By the end of the night, we sat in a circle on the office floor, telling stories and cracking jokes. I had laughed more with the characters than I ever did with any other friend.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that—" I couldn't finish my sentence before bursting into laughter.

Foxy pouted. "I was nervous! It was the first birthday party I performed for."

"So you peed yourself?"

"Technically, I leaked oil."

"You mean peed yourself?"

He held his head in his hands, groaning. Freddy wrapped an arm around him, ruffling Foxy's fiery red hair. "It's okay, mate. It happens to the best of us."

"Yeah!" chirped Chica. "I remember my first performance. I practically shook with nerves. The staff had to excuse it as technical difficulties while Freddy took over for me." She looked at him with a fondness I couldn't explain. Like deep adoration and care.

"That's really sweet," I commented.

"Kids rarely ask me to perform," Bonnie frowned.

"How come?" I asked.

"I'm the least interesting, I guess. All the girls ask for Chica, Foxy is the mysterious guy every boy loves, and Freddy is the star attraction with his name in the title. I'm forgotten sometimes."

I leaned to give him a side hug. "There, there. Well, if I was seven and held my birthday party here, I'd ask for you to perform."

He chuckled, looking at the ground. "Thanks. Means a lot."

I grinned. "No problem. You seem like a cool guy to me."

"Well, I think we finished explaining our story—" Freddy began, but I interrupted.

"Whoa, whoa, you guys never explained the newspapers."

Foxy let out a nervous laugh. "What newspapers?"

"The ones littered around the office. I think Mike must've forgotten to pick them up."

Bonnie scratched at his nape. "Um... I think it's time we g—"

"Wait, no—"

"Skylar, don't."

I pouted. "But—"

"Oh, c'mon, Bonnie," said Chica. "I like her. I think she deserves to know."

"I don't," he spat.

I butted in. "How do you guys expect me to be honest if you guys can't be honest with me?"

"What? Don't want her to run off?" Chica teased Bonnie.

He glared at her with his jaw tensed up. "Fine," he hissed, eyeing the others as if asking for permission. Then, he looked at me and smirked. "On one condition."

I raised an eyebrow. "And that is?"

"You tell us your backstory."

I scoffed. "I already told you guys. I just needed money—"

"You never said why."

"Maybe I don't want to," I snapped.

"How can you expect us to be honest with you if you can't be honest with us?" he mocked.

I rolled my eyes. "I hate you."

"And you'll say why you hate the nickname Sky?" he grinned.

I narrowed my eyes on him for a good 10 seconds before reluctantly agreeing.

Illicit // Human!FNAF [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now