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The Sunday afternoon was gloomy and heavy. Despite the burning sun shining through the curtains, the day couldn't have felt sadder. Not when I had the heavy burden to look for a job as soon as possible.

"You'll find one soon," my brother murmured over the phone.

Rubbing a hand over my face, I sighed. "If only it was that simple, Alex. No one wants to hire an 18-year-old without a degree."

"They gave Leslie one at 17," he argued.

"Your girlfriend is part of the minority. Either that, or I'm part of the unlucky minority that can't find a job."

"I don't understand why you won't fly to Ohio."

"And go back to that wretched woman?"

"She's our mother," Alex scowled.

"She's also the person who kicked me out of my own home," I fought back.

"Why didn't you call the cops on her?"

Huffing, I rolled my eyes. "Because I'm 18, a legal adult, and she owns the house. I can't arrest her for not letting me live with her."

"She's schizophrenic. She can't be on her own."

"I'm done protecting her when she can't even protect her own daughter," I mumbled, pacing back and forth in the house that used to be my brother's before he let me have it when Mom kicked me out.

My brother sighed. "Why are you staying in Texas, Skylar? Sell the house and come to California with Dad and I."

"I don't classify him as my dad either. He left Mom and I, but sure, it'll all be fine if he sends a mere two hundred dollars every month. Then he goes apologizing to you, and you forgive him?"

"Because I'm mature and can forgive people for their mistakes."

"He didn't leave you!" I shouted at the device, exasperated. "He didn't pack up his things and left your mom, who has a teenage daughter, for some other woman who's 12 years younger than him! You were in Florida State University, away from the damage. You don't get to talk to me about forgiving people when you have nothing to forget."

Silence took over the line, leaving us to mope in our own pits of sadness.

Reviewing the newspaper for the nth time, I chuck it into the trash. A microscopic ad, outlined in black ink but colored in red, winked at me.

"Hello? Skylar?" Alex called.

Now Hiring
Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria

"I'll call you back," I muttered, ending the call, and dialing the number. "Pick up, pick up, pick up," I chanted.

"Hello, hello! This is Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria. How may I help you?"

"H-Hi!" I attempted to sound somewhat professional. "Yes, I'm calling about the open job position. Is there any way I can—"

"Yeah! The interview is fine over the phone. How'd you feel about starting as soon as possible? Say, how about tomorrow?"

Taken aback by his informal response, I stuttered, telling him that tomorrow was perfect.

"Alright. Great! You're already a winning contestant... since no one else has called. Hey, what's your name again?"

"Skylar Moranne Grey."

I could hear his pen scratching paper from across the line, and I assumed he was writing down the information.

"Sk-Skylar Mor - Yeah, okay. Is that Grey with a G or a J?"

I raised an eyebrow. "G."

"Okay, is it G-R-A-Y, or is it G-R-A-I?"

What even? I thought to myself. "G-R-E-Y."

"Gotcha. Okay, and a phone number?"

I dictated my number and email address letter by letter, repeating thrice. Normally, I would never work for someone so absentminded, but the pay seemed decent, and I was desperate for money.

He smacked his gum and nearly broke my eardrum by doing so. "Um, what do they ask during interviews? Uh, right! So, why do you want the job?"

If I was honest, I would've blurted that I was only in it for the money, but that's not what managers wanted to hear, so I said a few white lies. "Well, I was hoping for a job to sustain myself, and I've always had a love for technology, so checking cameras, fixing equipment, and working with devices seemed perfect."

"I - Yeah, that seems great. What about the pay? Do you think it's alright?"

I was shocked at the question. "Yes, it's fine..."

"Okay, good. We can always raise it if you demand more."

"Why would I—"

"No reason. See you tomorrow at 11 PM!"

"See you..."

Did I just agree to work for a nut job?

(A/N: hello, hello! *cringes*

idk if that was confusing but basically sky hates her dad cuz he left sky and her mom, and then her schizo mom kicked her out so now she hates her mom too, and her brother was in uni so he really don't give a damn

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