Red Sharpie

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The day went by extremely fast, even for a half day. It was just long enough to give everyone the chance to endure lunch, and considering I had D lunch, this was my absolute final class and then I was off for home.

I have had the same lunch period for the past three years, and next semester was the first time I will not have D lunch, but instead, C lunch.

"Scarlett!" I heard a yell to my left as I scanned the lunch room for my friends.

My head snapped over to where I saw Jaklyn sitting at a one of the ten curcular tables located in the middle of the room with 6 other of our friends. This included all girls, due to Jaklyn's dislike for boys to 'taint' our table. Whatever that means.

I quickly made my way over to the table, dropping my things at the last open seat between Jaklyn and Bethany. "What were you guys waiting for? Let's go eat!" I said with a smirk knowing that the only reason they hadn't was because they were waiting for me.

"Ugh your lucky I am in a good mood today, Scarlett." Jaklyn muttered under her breath arms she filled in behind me.

My eyes scoured quickly over the cafeteria for a familiar face or at lease some I liked, but came up with none. I turned to Jaklyn and her friends and smiled brightly at the 7 of them.

"So, how was you summers? I know for certain that Jaklyn had an eventful one." I spoke suggestively with an overdramatic eyebrow wiggle.

"What do you mean?" Megan questioned Jaklyn. She was the only junior at our table, the rest of us were seniors.

"Just a little fling. Nothing really." She blushed with a suggestive smile on her lips.

"Little?" I instinctively said with a laugh.

"Okay, maybe it wasn't little, but it's over so don't worry about it." she said with a light blush. I could deep down she was dying to tell, just like she was with me when she spilled the beans.

Layla and Megan immediately worked on getting Jaklyn to tell them exactly what went down while I payed for my food. As we sat down, I drifted in and out of the conversations feeling a weird sense of anxiousness and excitement. My eyes glazed over the cafeteria several times, trying to find someone, but I wasn't even sure who.

Just as I was about to give up, I saw the most delectable human being on this planet. He has caramel skin and dark brown, almost black, hair fashioned into a slight quiff. His clothing was simple, but highlighted his body perfectly. They hugged his body, showing every sharp edge of his muscles. From behind him, I saw them flexing softly underneath his grey tee, and his jeans hung loosely off of his build.

I turned to Jaklyn with wide eyes and questioned, "Who is that?" My voice shoke lightly as I kept my eyes on the hunk.

Instead of Jaklyn, Jessa replied dreamily, "That's Onyx. He's new, but defiantly is the most popular guy in our class right now. I mean you can see why though, he's perfect." My eyes widened as I realized Jason was right, Onyx was tall now, but he failed to mention that he was now the sexiest specimen on this planet.

I didn't know why, but I felt someone protective as I watched the girls watch him with hungry eyes, except for Jaklyn. "Jason and I used to be best friends with him." I said trying to subtlety show I had dibs on him.

"Are you serious?" Jessa replied with wide eyes until she added, "Well that explains why he was staring at you when you were in the lunch line."

I scowled at her. "Well, that would of been something smart to tell me." I said with sarcasm as I gaped at her. I wasn't trying to be mean, but you would think you would tell your friend if a hot guy was staring at you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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