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Today is my first day as a senior in Malestat High School. Being a senior consists of either working your ass off knowing its your last year and trying to get as many classes done for free while you can, or not giving a shit and just stay awake long enough to get through the year. I'm still not sure where I stand in that, maybe a little bit of both.

I live in a small town, 10 minute driving time to get from one side to the other. I lived on the farthest side from the high school. School in Malestat is very important. Our school is rolling in money unlike most, something about investors taking notice in our school. Due to this, they make school this huge important thing here. Anyways, life here consists of work, school, and family. At least mine does.

"I thought you said Bailey would be here at 7:00, it's 7:10!" My mom yelled at me, frustrated at me.

I kept my eyes on the street outside my house for Bailey's car. It was then that I finally saw here old black truck pull up on the side of the road.

"See! She's here, so calm down!" I yelled my mom as I ran out the door and for the car. I looked into the car to see my two other friends, Ezra and Katy.

"God dammit Bailey! You can't keep coming this late, my mom was about to rip me a new one!" I yelled as I slammed the door behind me, climbing in the passenger seat.

"Well you could always drive yourself..." Katy suggested with a smile.

"You know my car got taken away until second semester." I huffed as I leaned back into the seat as Bailey took off, and to the high school.

"I still don't understand how you of all people I know would get caught driving 90 in a 35." Ezra said with a belting laugh.

"Oh be quiet, I was rushing home for curfew, you know this." I said with distress clear in my voice.

"Anybody nervous for our last year, I can tell it's going to be our best already!" Bailey yelled as she turned out of the large subdivision.

"Why be excited? We will just spend this whole year impatiently waiting for graduation to finally come. The odds if anything exciting happening is slimmer than none." I huffed.

"Watch out guys, Ms. Positivity coming through!" Yelled Katy sarcastically.

"More like Ms. Realistic. So, what classes you taking this year?" I asked as I turned around in the seat, looking at the two in the back seat.

"I'm just taking a bunch of bullshit classes and then an English class because it's required." Katy said with a laugh.

"I'm getting in a math, English, and then the rest are computer classes." Ezra said with a shrug.

I swiveled around back in my seat looking at Bailey, who was driving. "What about you?" I asked.

"Same as Katy." She replied simply.

"Losers! I'm doing a 2 honors classes for history and math. Then a science and english, no bullshit classes for me." I said with a slight pout.

"Ugh, your such an over achiever. Don't get that stuff on me!" Bailey said as she pulled into her usual parking spot, halfway up the parking spot.

"Time to start Senior year!" I yelled as we all gathered our backpacks and walked toward the huge brick school.

"Do either of you have Mr. Betti?" I asked as I looked at the unfamiliar name.

"No, but I heard he's new. What class does he teacher?" Ezra asked, as he took the schedule from my hand.

"Yikes, math. That could go both ways, either he sucks or he's great. Good luck with that, and you have it first hour." Katy laughed as she peaked over Ezra's shoulder.

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