Crying wolf

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An: I wrote some of this at work. That means technically I wrote this and got paid for it

New Orleans 1901

Klaus undaggered his brother Kol. It had been 90 years since Klaus had originally daggered him. But Klaus decided that it was time for his brother to meet his sister in law.

Kol wandered into the main room where everyone was waiting for him. He staggered in his step slightly. He would need to feed soon. He opened his arms.
"Ah my darling family." Kol said with his winning smile. "I see I've been let out of my cage. Tell me how long has it been." He looked at all of his siblings before his eyes fell on Marcel, "Marcel! The last time I saw you, you were just a boy. But if I didn't know better I would say I've been asleep for 10 years. But I know my brother turned you. So how long has it been."

"90 years." Klaus informed him.
"90 years." Kol repeated astonished. "Amazing how this family lets you know they care." He saw Grace for the first time. "Is this my dinner? She looks delicious." Elijah put his hand out to stop Klaus from jumping on Kol. Klaus had already began to regret letting Kol out of his coffin.

"Brother, this is Grace. Your new sister by law." Elijah introduced. Grace gave a courteous nod. Rebekah had told her many stories about Kol. None of them good. But she knew she would have to decide for herself what kind of man he was.

"Sister by law?" Kol said with a scoff. "Dear brother Elijah, finally tied yourself down? Well done. She is a beauty." Kol looked her up and down which made Grace want to hide herself.
"You see, that is where you are wrong." Klaus corrected. "Grace is my wife. Not Elijah's." Kol's eyes widened.
"You must be joking." He scoffed again in just a few minutes. He then let out a laugh. "Klaus married? Is this some elaborate prank you've concocted while I was gone? Well you got me. You got me good. I'd believe you more if you went with Elijah. I don't really see you Klaus, as the marrying type. Now, tell me, who is she really?"
"No joke." Klaus said through gritted teeth. "Grace is my wife and you will treat her with respect."

"Wow. Truly. You have yourself a son by name and a wife now. Slowly you are replacing us all. Tell me brother. Do you really need us anymore?" Klaus gritted his teeth and tried not to jump at his brother. It was no secret that Kol was jealous of the family. He wasn't there for the 'always and forever' pact and since then he felt like an outcast. It was always Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah. Never him. He was not happy.

Kol rolled his eyes. He was hoping for more of a reaction. But he got nothing. He took a few steps forward towards Grace. He took her by the hand and kissed her knuckles.
"It's a pleasure to meet you... Sister."


The last time Kol was awake he spent his time killing and feeding constantly. Although sometimes his excessive feeding and killing drew unwanted attention. It was no secret that Mikael often found them due to Kol's stupidity. But he couldn't help it. The bloodlust. The one side he hated about vampirism. That and the lack of magic.

Kol enjoyed it when Klaus joined in on feeding time and sometimes, now, even Grace. He soon found out that Grace always dribbled blood down her chin and clothes.
"Oh brother did you marry a child?" Kol complained noticing the blood down Graces dress.
"I must say... If there was one thing I could change about my darling wife would be her table manners." Grace rolled her eyes at the men.

"I don't do it on purpose. And it's not like you guys don't dribble." She pushed the body she was feeding from away from her.
"Oh sweet new sister of mine." Kol said with a tilt of the head. "There is a difference between a dribble and needing a bib." Grace scowled.
"Kol don't tease her. She's only going to make you regret it later." Klaus said. "Trust me. I would know... There is a perk to my messy wife's behaviour however."
"Do tell." Kol said. Klaus walked over to his wife before licking her chin and lifting his lips to kiss her. Kol regretted asking. "Seriously. You are going to do that here? In front of me?" The two kissing vampires ignored him. Kol pushed his own dead human away from him and left the two to continue their meal together, his appetite had left him completely.

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