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New York 1994

Her hand was trembling. The pen in her hand wobbling. She didn't mean the words she was writing, but her hand wrote them anyway. She had no choice. He had compelled her. 'He' being Mikael. His warm breath blew over her ear. One hand on her shoulder and his head almost resting on her other. She hated him. He forced her to break Klaus' heart. Her husband's heart. Something she had sworn not to do.

"Please." She managed to get out on a shaking breath. His fingers gripped her shoulder hard. She could smell the blood starting to ooze from the new wound his nails just caused. blood dripped onto the paper one drop at a time.
"I like it. This will give the letter a... hint of authenticity." He said in his calm voice. But, even through his calm voice she could hear the undertones of his furious nature. For centuries the man breathing down her neck had been searching for his own wife's bastard son. For years the son had bested him and escaped. Mikael was tired of chasing. He wanted to hurt Klaus in the same way Klaus had done to him. Klaus had murdered Mikael's wife and now it was time to pay it back.

Grace had written every word that Mikael had told her to. As Mikael was an original vampire he had the power to compel not only humans, but vampires too. Just as Grace was to finish signing her name, Mikael ripped the paper from her hands.
"Even more authentic." He laughed sadistically. "Poor Grace didn't even get to finish writing her letter before I killed her." Grace gulped. She slowly put her hands in her lap.

Mikael grabbed her left hand and pulled Grace towards him. Grace let out a scream of pain and panic. Mikael was looking at her finger closely. More specifically, her wedding ring. "My trophy." He said triumphantly.
"No!" Grace shouted, trying to pull her hand back. But, it was in vain. Even if Mikael wasn't an original he still had a thousand years on her. She was no more than a blimp on his life span. "It is the middle of the day. If your plan is to only fake my death then why take the only thing that will keep me alive."
"Thousands of vampires do not have the power you possess. For hundreds of years they have lived in shaddows." Grace's tears slowly fell from her eyes. Mikael caught one on the tip of his finger. "I am taking your life from you. I am taking your, as horrible as it is," He scoffed. "Love from you. Many say I am cruel. But I am not stupid. I may need further use from you in the future and to secure that future. This is my gift to you." He held out a necklace. The same blue stone that was found on her ring was the centerpiece of the necklace. Mikael slipped her ring off before handing the necklace over. Grace tentatively put it on and slowly raised her hand to the light of the sun. It didn't burn. The necklace worked. Each stone only worked for one vampire which meant that Mikael had made this especially for her. He had been planning this for a long time.

"Is that all?" Grace said, tears still falling from her eyes.
"Not quite." Mikeal said grabbing her face and forcing her to look at him. "You will run away. You will never seek out my bastard son again or contact him in any way and if I ever find out you have. I may have to reconsider keeping you alive."
"I will run away." Grace repeated. "I will never seek out or contact Klaus." Mikael pushed her face away from his.
"Now, go. Don't think you can hide from me. I will find you in due time." Grace ran to collect her belongings. "Take nothing. Everything you have ever owned belongs to me now." Grace, with only the clothes on her back and her small purse she already had perched on her shoulder which a handful of belongings, ran from the house she called home. She ran from her family and she ran from the man she loved. 

She cried so hard that her eyes stung. She had nothing. She wasn't sure how long she had ran before she eventually stopped. Tears had mixed with sweat which mixed with blood. She looked around and saw a phone box. There was only one person she could call. Her brother. She fished around in her purse for some loose change. She typed in a number she hoped was still his. The phone rang and rang until he finally answered.
"Hello. Stefan Salvatore speaking." She almost began to cry again at the sound of his voice.
"Stefan. It's me..." She squeaked. "Grace."
"Gracie?" Stefan said breathlessly. It had been a very long time since they had last spoken. He had almost forgotten the sound of her voice.
"I'm in a bit of trouble and I need to come home." She began to bite her fingernails. The fear of rejection was growing bigger and bigger. It had been too long.
"Where are you? I'll come and get you now." Grace gave a sigh of relief looked around for any indication of where she might be. She gave out a pitiful laugh.
"I don't know where I am. Somewhere in New York."
"Stay where you are Gracie. I'll find you."

Death do us part / K.MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now