Plan B

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AN: I took inspiration from Klaus' speech to Caroline in this chapter. 

New Orléans March 1865

"She's not eating." Rebekah said with a loud sigh. She sat down on a chair with her head in her hands. "I've tried talking to her. I've even tried giving her actual blood but nothing. She just lays in that bed all day doing nothing."
"I did warn you." Klaus teased turning a page in his book.
"It's been a week! She's going to start desiccating soon. I really wanted this to work."
"You aren't going to shut up about this are you?" Klaus said closing his book and standing up. Rebekah jumped to her feet and stood in the doorway.
"No. I won't let you kill her."
"Oh sister. How little faith you have in me. I'm not going to kill her... just a little persuasion to push her in the right direction that's all," He easily pushed passed Rebekah and climbed the stairs to reach the room where Grace now slept.

He knocked on the door but didn't wait for a reply before going in. This was his house after all. In the bed he saw a broken woman. Her body was weak from the lack of blood. She really was dying. But he could tell, even behind the baggy eyes and the pale face that she was a beauty underneath it all. 
"Hello love, we haven't been officially introduced. I'm Klaus." Grace didn't move her gaze which had been solidly fixed on a crack of paint on the wall.
"I'm the 'stray'." Grace replied.
"Oh so you did hear that conversation. At least we know your hearing works," Klaus sat on the edge of the bed. "You've made my sister very upset. She is determined to mother you into shape and the thing about my sister is she doesn't do things half heartedly. And when she is upset, well... her persistent whining makes me angry." Grace didn't move. Klaus sighed and decided to go for a different approach. "You do know I can force you to eat."

"Rebekah was right. You are no different to my brother. He forced me to eat too. My own husband. No, I will not be forced into anything. Ever again." Klaus gave a small smile. For a dying girl she had some bravery to talk to him that way.
"Have you heard of compulsion?" Klaus asked. Grace shook her head in response. "It's when a vampire, such as yourself, can force humans to do their bidding however, someone like me can  compel other vampires. So I really could force you to eat if you remain uncooperative." Grace pulled a face in disbelief. 
"Prove it." Grace challenged.
"Look at me." He said. Grace turned her head and looked away from the chipped paint for the first time in days. He had her curiosity. Klaus looked deep into her eyes.
"I want you to tell me a secret you have never told anyone before."
"I once stole one of my fathers cigars. He told me women could never smoke and certainly not his daughter. So I stole one. He wouldn't miss it. He smoked so many. I took one breath of it and choked so badly I made myself sick. The town nurse was called in. I was so terrified that my father would find out that I made up a story about how I'd been ill for days. I was put in quarantine and forced to drink this horrible medicine for days. I hated it but it was worth it. If my father found out he would have beaten me. He always beat me and my brothers. That's why I got married. To get away from him..." Grace paused and gasped. "Why did I tell you that?"

Klaus gulped slightly. Rebekah was right. This vampire was more like them then he realised. A disgraced father. One who would beat her if she stepped out of line. Forced to do what was needed to get away from him. 
"Because I compelled you to." Grace looked away from him. "You know. I heard your story. Dead parents. A monster for a brother and you were forced to feed from who you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with... but, let me tell you this Grace. The world you've seen, its but just a fraction of how big it truly is. With your new found immortality you can see every inch of the world, twice. Your human life truly was terrible but this new life, it can be whatever you want it to be. You need only take it for yourself. You alone will decide your fate. Will you die here in this bed not truly seeing anything or will you allow yourself the pleasures of the world. Tell me something you want more than anything." Grace thought about it. 
"I always wanted to go to the opera. My father would never let me. He thought it was a waste of money and when I got married we never had enough money to go." Klaus let out a laugh. 
"If you feed, and decide to live. I can take you, and Rebekah to the opera tonight." Grace looked at him with wide eyes. 
"Tonight? I have nothing to wear and I look awful."  She couldn't go to her very first opera looking like she had been dragged through the streets by a horse. 
"We can sort out a pretty outfit for you and if you feed. Your beauty will come back to you. I guarantee it." 

Death do us part / K.MikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang