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New Orleans March 1865

Klaus had kept his word. By the time the night had fallen over New Orleans, Grace had a new dress. It was far more prettier and grander than any dress she had owned. She shook her head. She needed to stop thinking like that. About her old life. This was a new beginning. Everything about her old life was gone from her new life. All except her last name. She decided she would keep her married name. She wanted nothing to do with her brother. She would be forever known as Grace Maxwell, never Grace Salvatore. There was a knock on the door. 
"Are you ready?" Rebekah asked sticking her head around the door. She gasped. "You look darling." 

The two women made their way down the stairs. At the bottom was a man Grace had never met before. At least not knowingly. 
"Elijah Mikaelson, pleased to make your acquaintance." He reached out and kissed the back of Grace's hand. Grace couldn't help but blush slightly. There was a cough. They all turned their heads and saw Klaus stood in the doorway. 
"Our carriage awaits." He said with a slight pout and an angered face. Rebekah laced her arm around Grace's and they walked to the carriage together. 

In the carriage Grace found herself sat beside Rebekah and opposite Klaus. With each knock of the carriage Grace found her knees bumping with Klaus. She tried to adjust her position to stop it but it only made things worse. She let out a small frustrated sigh which only seemed to put a mischievous grin on Klaus' face. 
At the opera Klaus had chosen Le Huguenots, a favourite of his apparently. Rebekah had wanted to see a different show but Klaus was adamant. Grace sat in the seats and could see the stage perfectly. Elijah had told her these were the best seats in the house and that Klaus would have pulled strings to get these seats at such short notice. As the lights went down a beautiful singer got up on stage. Grace sat forward in awe. Despite this being one of Klaus' favourite operas he found himself watching the new vampire. He knew the story like the back of his hand but watching her was something different. Everything was new to her and watching her made him feel like he was experiencing it for the first time too. She gasped, she laughed and she cried. Her reactions only made him want to show her even more of his favourite things. He decided then, he would show her his world and see it again for the first time, through her eyes.

At the end of the opera the group decided to walk home. It was a beautiful March night. It wasn't too cold and it wasn't too hot. Rebekah was walking with Grace as the two men walked behind. Klaus took long strides forward and looked at his sister. 
"Rebekah, if I might borrow Grace for a moment." Rebekah opened her mouth to argue but Klaus glared at her and dared her to speak. Rebekah huffed and walked beside Elijah. 
"So," Klaus said ducking down slightly to speak into Grace's ear. "What did you think of your first ever opera?" Grace couldn't help but smile at the memories of the night. 
"I loved it. It was more than I could have imagined. Although, I do have something to confess." 
"And what is that love?" Klaus mused. 
"I didn't understand what they were saying. I knew from the emotion in their voices vaguely what was happening but most of the story was lost on me. I don't speak... French was it?"
"Indeed. French. Ah, to my siblings and I, French is just as easy to speak as we speak english now. It did not occur to me that you couldn't understand them. I'll give you a quick version of events on our walk back home." He held out his arm for her to take. She hesitantly took it. Her cold hand wrapped around the crook of his elbow. "And perhaps after that, I'll teach you french for the next time we go." 
"You will teach me French?" Grace asked with shock. 
"I'll teach you anything you want to learn." 

Mystic Falls March 2010  

Caroline was sat on one of the Salvatore couches. Grace had her hand on the blonde's leg. Damon passed her a whisky glass full of blood. 
"I'm still shaking." She admitted. Stefan rushed into the room. 
"What happened?" He raised his arms. 
"Go ahead. Tell him." He turned to his brother. "You're gonna love this." 
"I saw Katherine." Caroline told him. "At the grill. I just stopped to gawk and semi-stalk Matt." She then continued to tell them about the awkward conversation she had with Matt. Damon raised a hand. 
"Skip the teen drama and get to it." He requested. Caroline shook her head. 

"I had to pretend to use the bathroom. She was there. She told me that she needed me to deliver a message." 
"What is the message?" 
"She wants the moon stone or she will rip the town apart until it rains blood. She wants it tonight. At the masquerade ball."
"She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw off her guard" Stefan figured. 
"She's running scared." Damon scoffed. "What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks"
"We can't underestimate her." Stefan countered. "We have to play this smarter than her"
"Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline offered. Grace stood up quickly.

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