a letter from Dumbledore

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Tsunade didn't really know what to think of the letter in her hand, which was held closed by a red wax seal. 

Only a few minutes ago an owl flew through the open window into the office, the strong flapping of the wings caused countless papers to fall to the ground. The bird had settled on one of the tall piles of paper and looked curiously at the blonde woman. As carefully as possible the Fifth Hokage opened the rather thick letter, from which an old sock immediately fell out. Confused and slightly disgusted, the Hokage stared at the piece of cloth. Quickly she unfolded the paper and began to read the letter.

Dear Hokage-sama,

my name is Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I've been thinking about asking for your help for some time now. Last school year a very dark powerful wizard has returned and there is a danger that he will attack the school. To protect my students I would like to hire Shinobi to protect Hogwarts and especially one particular student. His name is Harry James Potter and he may be the only one who can stop the Dark Lord.

If you accept the assignment it would be very good if you could send a shinobi among others who has experience as a teacher. They would travel in two days with a port key (the sock) to the Leaky Cauldron and meet Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks there. The mission would last the whole school year and I am willing to pay the necessary price.

Please let me know your answer as soon as possible. You can send it back with the owl.

I hope for a good cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

Tsunade sighed loudly. Wizards. Many don't believe them to be real and she wouldn't believe it either if she hadn't have met Albus Dumbledore herself through her sensei. 

She didn't have to think long before she knew she'd accepted the assignment. The village can use any money they can get. There is also peace between the ninja villages.
She immediately searched for an empty piece of paper and called Shizune. Shortly afterwards she ran into the room. 

"Tsunade-sama, what can I do for you?", asked the brown-haired woman with a little pig on her arm. 

"Shizune, get team 7 here immediately. They are assigned an important mission," Tsunade said and wrote a letter to Dumbledore. Now she only had to wait for the agreement of the four shinobi.

Barely five minutes later, four figures appeared in front of her. "Tsunade-baa-chan what's this all about? I was just about to eat ramen," said the blonde-haired ninja in orange-black clothes and three whiskers on his cheek, pouting. 

"Shut up, dobe.", said a black-haired boy. 

Yes, Sasuke came back to Konoha after Naruto yelled at him for hours how stupid this whole action is and that he should finally come home where they could help him kill Itachi. Of course Sasuke had refused at first but after Naruto's puppy eyes he couldn't say no. 

It had been obvious that Sasuke wasn't really welcome in Konoha after what he did and it took him a long time to go on missions again, of course only with Naruto's company, as he was probably the only one who could stop Sasuke. 

Tsunade knew exactly why Sasuke had come back. It was only because of Naruto and nothing else. For her it was obvious what they felt for each other and she knew that Sasuke at least knew aboutt his own feelings. But she wasn't so sure about Naruto.

"Stop calling me that, teme," Naruto said and pointed the finger at Sasuke, who only rolled with his black eyes. 

The pink haired girl standing next to the two sighed briefly. Nothing really changed after Sasuke came back. The two idiots still argue every day but Sakura knew that Naruto was afraid that Sasuke would turn around and leave again. He won't admit it but it's obvious to her. She had always suspected that something was wrong and now that she was older she could see it. The two were in love with each other and it was so painfully obvious that they couldn't see it themselve. Sakura had been over Sasuke for a long time. She knew that he would never feel the same for her, so she moved on. If she had been told four years ago that she will be in a relationship with Ino Yamanaka, she probably would have beaten him and run to Sasuke. But now she was happier than ever.

"So Shizune just said that it was a mission. What are the details", the gray-haired jounin with the mask also spoke now. 

"I just got a letter from Albus Dumbledore. He is the headmaster of a school for young witches and wizards and asked us for help to protect his school. This mission lasts almost the whole year and can be very dangerous. You can say no but this mission earns a lot of money and there is the possibility to form some kind of alliance with the wizards. ", said the Hokage, resting her head on her hands. 

"But wizards don't exist, baa-chan?" Naruto said unbelievably. 

"Naruto, sometimes there are things that even we don't understand. The wizards live mainly in Europe and America. We don't really exist for them either...so what do you say, do you accept the mission or not?"

"We accept," Kakashi said after everyone gave him a nod. 

"What exactly should we do, baa-chan?" Naruto asked and crossed his arms behind his head and grinned. But when Tsunade spoke the next words it disappeared again. 

"You will be exchange students from Japan, who will attend the lessons to learn the western magic. Not only do we have to protect Hogwarts but also a boy named Harry Potter, who is the same age as you. He is the main target of a dark powerful wizard. And you Kakashi will teach there. More information you'll get from Dumbledore-sama. It starts in two days. The day after tomorrow at this time you will be back here in my office to travel to London, understand?"

"Hai.", said all four not exactly enthusiastic about going to school again or teaching a bunch of kids about something he probably doesn't even know himself.

please know that English isn't my native language, so there can be a few mistakes.

¦shinobi and wizards¦  Naruto & Harry Potter CrossoverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin