First Kiss, Maybe Last

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(Hiccup's P.O.V.)

We've been traveling to DunBroch for a week now. Whisp could get there in fifteen minutes thanks to her portal, but the other dragons can't. We've flown non-stop, except to rest or eat. Suddenly Merida cries out,

"We're 'ere! Tha's Fire Falls!" 

Finally we arrived. Berk landed down in a woods. Everyone's relieved to be walking on solid ground again. Some are already planning their huts. 

"Welcome to New Berk!" Gobber said. Everyone cheered. Merida, however, looked nervous. I can't blame her. Last time she was here, she was dethroned.

In the middle of the night, Toothless wakes me. "Toothless, it's too early." I grumble. Toothless nudges me out of my tent. I see Whisp doing the same to Merida.

"Morning, Milady." I say to her.

She mumbles something intelligible. Suddenly a familiar whispering noise sounded. Me and Merida turned to see a whisp. We glance at each other. We approach the whisp. A whole trail of whisps appear, beckoning us. We follow.

Merida, Toothless, me, and Whisp follow the whisps through the woodlands. Finally they stop, as soon as, a cottage comes to view.

Merida sharply inhales. "Something wrong?"

"Las' time the whisps led me ta a cottage, et belonged ta a witch."

"Oh. You think it's the same one?"

"No. Thi' is a different one. Still be careful."

We come up to the cottage. The windows are shuttered and the door's shut. Merida, cautiously, opens the door.

Promptly a scream is heard.

Merida and I rush in, unsheathing our swords!

We see a screaming, fat lady. And we also see...Merida's mom!?

"Maudie! Settle dow' et's jes' me!" Merida snaps at the hysterical woman.

"Merida! What are ye doin' 'ere, lass?" Elinor walks up to Merida, gripping her shoulders. She doesn't look happy. She shoots a glance at me, and steps back.

"An' ye're still wit' the Vikin's, ah see!"


"Ye should'vd know'n better! Vikin's killed yer Da, no Vikin' can be welcomed in DunBroch."

"Wait. Excuse me, Queen Elinor, but why are you in this cottage and not in the castle?" I ask this half 'cause I'm curious, the other half is because I want to change the subject.

"Where's Hamish, Harris, and Hubert!?" Merida gasped, looking around.

Elinor's eyes grew misty. "When yer brothers took yer side, and fought fer ye, the lords took 'em prisoner. In fact, tomorrow they plan ta execute 'em unless ah or ye abdicate DunBroch's claim as the royal clan.

Merida's fists clenched, and her face grew red. I knew the danger signals. She was mad and may do something she'll regret. She pulls out her sword again.

"I'lk make dem lords pay for even threatenin' mah wee brothers!" She moves to leave. 

Oh boy! I grab her waist and pull her from the door. 

"Let go, Haddock!"

"No. You are going to fight blindly, and end up doing something you'll regret."

"Oh, Ah won' regre' thi'!" 

"Please, Merida. Think for a second. Your actions are going to affect your people's future! Not only will Scottish Clans be affected but also Viking Tribes. Especially Berk. If you die, you can't fulfill the marriage treaty."

"Merida! Ye're betrothed!? Ta a Vikin'!" Elinor exclaimed. I ignore her. Merida relaxed in my arms. 

"We will save your brothers." I wipe a tear from her cheek. "We just need a plan."

"Dragons!" Merida says, her eyes dancing with mischief. "The clans won' know wha' hit 'em!"

"Good idea. We'll take a squad of dragon riders to stop the execution, the squad should-"

"NO!" Elinor breaks in.

We look at her. Elinor's face is sad but sure. "If Merida defeats the clans with dragons an' Vikin's the clans'll ne're accept her. She must subdue 'em as a queen."

"Mum!" Merida protests. I want to agree with Merida, but my gut instinct tells me Elinor has a point.

"Your Mom's right, Merida." Elinor and Merida turn to me with matching, shocked expressions. "You need to assert your authority as queen, Merida. You don't need other weapons. Just yourself."

Merida frowned but sulkily agreed. The new plan was: tomorrow me, Elinor, and Merida will fly to the area they're going to excute the triplets. There Merida would convince the clans to surrender. Dragons was last resort. Elinor said Merida should, at most, use what weapons her father could. 

So tomorrow either Merida would be queen again, or we'd all be dead. I sent a terror-mail to "New Berk", telling them me and Merida would be "scouting" the whole day tomorrow, and Astrid's acting chief till I return. If I return, I say silently in my head.

Elinor said we should get some sleep. But I just couldn't fall asleep, my head full of thoughts of tomorrow. I get up and walk outside. There I find Merida also awake. She is staring up at the cloudy sky with the moon peeking through the clouds.

"Can't sleep?" I ask. Merida almost jumps.

"No. Ah can't. Not when Ah'm scared for tomorrow." Merida grips her elbows. "So many things can easily go wrong! And if Ah....Ah die tomorrow, Ah'll ne're know wha' et's like ta be kissed." Merida looks away. Blush dusting her cheeks.

I look at her. Her blue eyes sparkle in the moonlight, like the Whisps that led us to each other. I knew after tomorrow we may never have another moment like this. I cup her chin, and I kiss her. 


Author's Note: YES! Finally Hiccup kisses Merida! And her brothers may die next chapter! Or she could! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote, and share this. Thank you!!!

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