More In Common Than They Thought

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I stared out at the vast expanse of land that Merida called home. It was beautiful. "Wow..." I breathed in awe. 

"Et is beautiful, no?" I nod at Merida's question. I fly Toothless towards the land, but then Merida and Whisp fly in front, blocking us.

"No, ye can't jes' fly out dere!"

"Because I'm a Viking?"

"And ye ride a dragon, Dimwit!"

"Ummmm, you ride a dragon too."

Merida glares fiercely. "Ye, listen, Chief. And ye listen well. No one in Scotland knows I ride one. They only know Vikings ride and use 'em to attack us. If ye don't want another war on yer hands, Ah suggest ye don't fly in the open."

"What? No one knows you have a dragon!?"

"No, and Ah intend to keep et dat way 'till I really have to let 'em know."

"Why can't you just explain to them dragons can be their friends?"

"Hah! Pierre would jump at any chance to lead coup against me. No, thank you!"

"Who's Pierre?"

"One of the lords. He's the leader of Clan Macintosh. Arrogant man. The clans don't like it that ah broke tradition and refused to be betrothed. Pierre was one 'o my suitors. He wouldn't mind being king. Plus some other clansmen are suggesting, dethroning me and let one of mah wee brothers rule. So you see Ah can't risk things like dat."

I feel sorry for Merida. I can truly relate to being pressured to marry just because I'm the leader.

"Wow...I don't know if you'll believe me but I know what you're going through."

Merida arched an eyebrow skeptically.

"My tribe wanted me to settle down and marry. 'Rule Berk like a true royal family.' Quote, unquote, Gobber. But things aren't working out. So now, more pressuring is being added, plus 'helpful advice'."

Merida's gazed softened at my story. She led us to fly to the edge of a cliff near the ocean. "Ah guess we 'ave more en common then ah thought." She said.

She smiled at  me sympathetically. I returned it. Seems we do have a lot in common. I wonder what else?

Author's Note: Please comment and favorite. I hope you liked this chapter! 


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