Who I can be, and who I want to be

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      I love being a shieldmaiden. The warrior skills I can display, the loyalty I can freely express, and the simple dedication to my tribe. Right now I'm training a few younger warriors in combat.

    They're young, but they put their all into it. Reminds me of when I was their age, and Uncle Finn was training me...

    "Astrid! There ye are, Lass!" Gobber runs up to me puffing. He obviously ran all the way to the academy. I put down my axe.

    "Is something wrong, Gobber?" Ever since we've been rescuing more dragons we've been attacked every other day! Gobber shakes his head, still trying to catch his breath.

    "Oh no, Astrid! Just here to give you an' yer sweetheart a wee push." What's he talking about? I stare at him blankly. "You know ye and Hiccup 'ave been friends fer a good long while."

    "Yeah, so have you, Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins, Toothless, every other dragon..." I laugh.

    "Well this is about a more friendly friendship." Gobber stressed the"friendly" in his sentence. Is he suggesting, what I think he's suggesting?

    "Uh, Gobber, why do I think this is about to become even more awkward than it already is?"

    "I'm just tryin' to say, ye need to marry Hiccup!"

    Everyone in the arena turned to look at us. I feel my face grow red with embarrassment. "Gobber, I don't think I'm ready..." I clutch my arms. I hadn't really thought about this.

    "And when will ye be ready may I ask? When yer too old to have children!?" Gobber was practically hesterical now. 

    "We haven't really discussed that yet."

    "And when ye do, will ye say yes!?"

    I hesitate. What would I say? Me and Hiccup have been dating for a while. But to marry him? I couldn't be a shieldmaiden. I'd be the chieftess. I'd need to be a wife and mother. I can't say I'm the motherly type. And I've never been good at housekeeping. And...do I truly love Hiccup...like that? I care for him. He's my friend and chief, but could I really dedicate to being his wife and be the mother of his kids?

    "Hello, Astrid!?" Gobber was waving his fake arm over my face. I blink.

    "Oh, I-I'd think about it..." I stammer and excuse myself. I ride off on Stormfly. If Gobber talked about this to me, he obviously mentioned the same to Hiccup. Why did I let this continue so long. I date him for at least four years, but I just decide to tell him now, this is as far as our relationship will go? What if he decides to propose in front of the village. I can't say yes. But that would be so embarrassing for both of us. I need to tell him soon. Right now.

    I fly to the ledge Hiccup and Toothless always hang around. "Afternoon, Milady!" He's already making this harder.

   "Hiccup, I need to tell you something." I dismount off Stormfly.

   Hiccup looks concerned, seeing I'm being so serious. "What is it, Astrid?" He touches my shoulder. I flinch back.

    "Gobber mentioned about us..."

    "Getting married?"

   "Yeah." I rub my arms suddenly getting goosebumps. "I just realized I was being unfair to you all these years of us dating."

    Hiccup looks confused. "Unfair?" He questions.

    "Hiccup, this nothing against you, or anything, but I think we need to stop...dating."


    "Hiccup, marriage was never something I felt I could commit to. I just realized today, I want to permanently become a shieldmaiden. Just married to my tribe." I say this staring out into the horizon afraid to see Hiccup's reaction.

    I take a deep breath then turn to face Hiccup, who was silent. His face was heart-breaking. He looked hurt, just like Toothless when Hiccup yells at him. "Hiccup, I'm sorry I waited this long to tell you. I hope despite this, you will be able to find what you need." 

    Hiccup looks at me and attempts to smile. I want to hug him, but in this case I don't think it would help. "Well, I'm glad you know what you'd like to do with your life, Astrid. You have my support." He extends his hand to shake mine. I can't help it I hug him. He hugs back. A tear trickles down my cheek. How could I have hurt my best friend?

Author's note: So that's the reason for Astrid and Hiccup not working out. Hiccup isn't mad at her. He respects her decision. He will get over it. In the next chapter, Merida and her Lightfury will debut! 🗡💘🏹

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