Chapter Sixty-Six: No, You Don't Need Your Eyes Checked, It's Just More Plans!

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[jordans house–eleven thirty a.m., sunday morning]

"THERE," FIVE said, standing up with a tired smile. "Done."

The living room had been turned into one entire mess of taped together papers. The coffee table had been pushed into a corner, and papers now covered the floor. They reached from the armchair where Jordan sat to the TV to the couch to the second armchair where Luther often rested. The connected order created a large building with hundreds of rooms.

"How much paper did you use?" Ron questioned, his voice light with awe.

"A shit ton." Five replied. Ron snorted in laughter.

"Wow. The Commission is a lot bigger than I thought it'd be," Luther mumbled.

"Do you have any guesses where they might be holding Diego?" Allison asked, trying to get the conversation on what it needed to be focused on: getting their brother back home. Preferably alive.

"I've got three," Five said, holding his hand out to Jordan. Wordlessly, the boy handed him three thumbtacks.

"If those damage my furniture, Five, I will hit you," Jordan comments. Five makes a face at him before going to the part nearest to the TV. He squatted, then slammed a tack into a room labeled INFIRMARY. He spoke as he pointed to the room.

"My first guess isn't as likely, but it's possible they placed him in the infirmary. I don't know if he'll still be there, of course, but it's feasible that they inflicted more damage on him. Now, they might not have even put him there at all. Billie is a particulary cruel person when upset, and I'm afraid that I upset her an awful lot. She probably won't like Diego much, seeing as he's my brother."

"Second guess?" Vanya inquired. Five nodded and got up, going to the section near the couch.

"Second is the guest rooms. The—"

"I'm sorry, but," Ron held up his hands, making a face. "From what I can tell, The Commission is both helpful with time but is terrible because they let us all die in 2019 and are currently attempting to kill us. Or you, I'm vaguely certain they won't kill me. Why do they have guest rooms?"

Five gave him an incredulous look. "Well, The Commission has had many famous people work with us. Houdini, Vincent van Gogh, Van Halen. They had to stay somewhere."

"Van Halen was at The Commission?" Vanya raised her eyebrows. She was ignored.

"Of course," Ron nodded. "Continue."

Five glared for a moment before speaking again. "As I was saying, it's possible that they placed Diego in the guest rooms. However, that's the most unlikely place to put him, if I'm being honest. Almost everyone in there has some form of grudge against me—The Handler, Billie, Park, Troy, Dot, even the lunch ladies. I severely doubt that they'd place Diego in rooms meant to host some of the most famous people in the world."

"Okay, so we've got two guesses that you don't think are likely," Ben threw his hands in the air. "What's your most likely guess, Five? We need something besides 'oh it's possible but unlikely'!"

"Hold your horses, jeez," Five muttered. "You were a lot nicer before you died."

Ben narrowed his eyes.

"Anyways, what I think will be the most likely is the prison—"

"They have a prison, too?" Ron interrupted, tossing his own hands up. "Jesus! Have they got a secret bunker fully equipped with a gourmet kitchen too?"

"That's in the west wing," Five said, voice deadpan.

"The worst thing is that I can't tell if your joking or not," Klaus responded. Ron nodded his agreement to the statement.

"As I was saying before I got interrupted—again," Five glanced at Ron and Ben, who both gave him unapologetic looks. "I believe that Diego is most likely being held in the prison. If he'd got guards, I wouldn't know. If he does, there's going to be a shit ton. It's also feasible that Billie and Park are the ones watching him. If they are, it would explain why they haven't come after us."

"Hey," Ron looked up from the blueprints with a furrowed brow. "They can time-travel, right? And they'd know what's going to happen? Do they know that we're going to go and save him?"

Everyone looked towards Five, concern growing on their faces.

"No," Five said. "We're creating it right now. They wouldn't know."

He sounded so sure of himself that they believed him.

"Okay," Luther nodded. "Continue?"

Five smiled. "We need to be prepared for guards in any of the three options, as well. We need to be prepared for Billie and Park, we need to be prepared for any of the assassins in the area. There's also going to be lots of guns in the area, and everyone in the building knows how to operate one. Traps are common too. Guard dogs used to be involved, but they stopped about twenty years ago. Of course, they could've decided to reimplement them in the past week. Happens all the time."

"So here's just—and correct me if I'm wrong—" Klaus says, listing them off on his fingers. "Normal guards, two evil assassins with superpowers, unknown amount of normal assassins, everyone in the building armed with a gun, traps, and guard dogs?"

Five nodded. Klaus scoffed and leaned back on the couch.

"Oh, sounds like a fun and relaxing way to spend a day."

"Agreed," Luther said sarcastically. "Now, Five, how do you think we should do this?"

"Aren't you supposed be Number One?" Five asked, arching an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be planning this?"

Luther took a deep breath. "You're the only one who has ever set foot in there. I figured you should lead this, and I'll help where I can."

Five eyed his brother; Allison and Vanya has a silent conversation. Ben was giving Luther a curious look, but Klaus wiped fake tears away and whispered something like, "they grow up so fast!" under his breath.

"Okay," Five said slowly. "Sounds good."

"Ron?" Jordan spoke up. "Can you help me make lunch?"

For a moment, the room was filled with tenseness.

"Yeah," Ron said, helping his brother to his feet and into the kitchen.

"Okay," Five grinned. "Here's what I think we should do,"

All six of them leaned forwards, eyes watching as their brother pointed out various places and explained them.

When Jordan and Ron returned with nine sandwiches, it was twelve-thirty in the afternoon and Operation Save Diego's Helpless Ass (named by Klaus) was happening.


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