Chapter 44

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Okay, I'll never know exactly what went on when they left the bench outside the zoo that day, but I pumped ol' Raf for the 411 when he called me from the airport, and I learned enough to imagine the rest.

    [keyboard clicking]

 Hours later, high on champagne, they retreated to his hotel suite.

 He reached for the ornate handle on the door to the bedroom and closed it decisively, as if to say, This place isn't part of our former life anymore.

Then he put his arms around her and inclined his face. "I've been dying to kiss you."

They fell onto the bed. In the dim light, the white plaster rosettes covering the ceiling looked like a frosted wedding cake.



"I want to love you for the rest of my life."

"I want to love you back."

"We're going to figure this out." He leaned back and saw that she was smiling. "I'm never going to pick out a diamond for you though..."

The way I see it, the permanence of their union is best expressed by the annoying phrase found in most math textbooks: "The proof is trivial, and is left as an exercise for the reader."

It wasn't long before the dust settled from my second divorce, and I hit Madre with my new business card design:

                  Nina & Son, Inc.

She said she wasn't interested in collaborating with me in any more spin-offs. Instead, she confronted me with my cyber-crimes — and a bill. 

The litigation brought a new homeboy into my life to fill the Rafael gap: my attorney, Johnny Garcia, who loves any excuse to wear a tux — and all the chicks swoon, until they see his wedding ring....

Madre might be trying to marginalize me right now by exploiting the appellate courts, but once we settle — Johnny will make it happen — she's going to see the wisdom in hiring me as her Chief Vibe Officer out on the West Coast, where I can spend my father's final days showing him who I really am. If ever there was a vibe that needed managing, it was ours...

How could she not? I'm the one who carried her over the finish line with the third true match — and assured her of her rightful place in Heaven.

Current mood:  #ClassicRock and #NewWave

     —the vibe of the movie I'm writing about my adventures....

I've adopted monkeys as my spirit animal.

And as a wayward son, I'm carrying on.

I am dancing the steps of the gods —


The Vibe ManagerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang