Chapter 38

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I tensed. Was he going to mention his rendezvous Jade that afternoon? I'd be on Madre's blacklist forever!

Rafael raised a finger in the air. "I've decided not to continue on with Margot. I want you to separate my file from hers."

Behind the door, I observed a moment of silence for the temporary pain Margot would suffer. Still, I counted this as progress in my quest to reunite the true lovers. Step 1: Au revoir Margot. Step 2: Bonjour Jade!

Madre's voice dropped with concern. "What happened?"

"I have nothing but admiration for her, you know that. But what if something is just stagnant? I've tried to tell myself I was stalling about moving forward with her because I had feelings for... someone else. But that's not fair to Margot. My doubts should be telling me something, whether anyone else is in the picture or not."

Even Madre had to agree there was no point to a passionless union.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said coldly. "But I understand, of course."

"It's quite personal, obviously. I talked with Margot myself on the phone, before I came here. And I'm going to speak to her in person as soon as I fly back. But I wanted to tell you, as a courtesy. You've been a loyal advisor."

"Are you planning to continue with me, as a client?"

"I honestly don't know...."

Madre leaned back in her chair and stared at the ceiling.

Another failed match. The elephant in the room, of course, was Jade M_____. If only she hadn't gotten involved with me....

I knew Madre still believed Jade and Rafael were a perfect match, but she certainly couldn't offer up her own son's wife, now that he was free again. Even though we weren't happy together, manipulating our marriage was out of bounds.

At the same time, she was an obedient follower of her gut — and her gut told her that someday, sooner or later, Rafael would try to get in touch with Jade anyway, on his own. After all, as far as Madre knew, he still had no idea if she was with anyone or not....

"Since we may not be working together anymore, Rafael, I'm going to freeze your contract right now. "

"What?" he asked.

What? I wondered.

She winked. Reaching into a cabinet behind her desk, she extracted a file and marked the top of the folder with a gigantic X.

"For the next five minutes, you're not my client. And I'm not your matchmaker. I'm just Nina...."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean: I'm going to gossip."

"I'm listening," said Rafael.

I'm listening, too! She never gossips....

"I believe I have some insight into what happened between you and... someone else... last winter. You've told me it bothered you — obviously it continues to bother you. There was a misunderstanding about some comment you made — "

"Yes, about her value — "

Madre nodded. "I've learned something that might help you understand her reaction that night."

Rafael leaned forward, staring at her intently. "Please, what is it?"

"To begin with, she was sensitive about the comment you made because — she's been homeless, in a sense."

Seeing the sadness in his face, Madre turned away.

"Thank you for telling me. This was recent?"

"No, a few years ago. She wasn't on the street, fortunately, but there were many difficulties — I'm sure you can imagine what the housing situation is like in this city. It took her some time to rebuild her life, her self-worth...."

He absorbed this.

"She's come very far, but — trust me — if you've ever not had a key to a home in your pocket — someplace, anyplace — you can imagine.... It has effects."

"Of course."

"Another thing — the reason she's been so focused on the hotel housekeepers is because she worked as one for a long time to put herself through school and all her other training since then. She wants to keep the others from suffering the way she did."

He nodded. "I have enormous respect for that. And I appreciate your letting me know. Was there anything else?"

"No, that's all."

He stood to leave, and I could see the disbelief on Madre's face. He wasn't going to argue his case with Jade any further? Did they all really have to accept defeat?

"I'm sorry it's gone this way," she said. "I hope at least you'll feel better about it in time."

"I can't imagine that's possible. And I hope this won't be the last time I see you, Nina."

It was the perfect moment for him to spill the beans — but he said nothing about seeing Jade that day! Or her marriage! Ol' Raf was turning into adouble-agent himself....

Madre stood to embrace him. "Please stay in touch."

I jumped back.

Shaking off my stupor, I hid in the closet until I heard him open and slam the outer door. As soon as he was gone, I quickly opened the door again and ran down to the street. 

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