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Eight Years Ago: Daniel's First Painting


Jorge, Benji, and Connor ran to the sound. Broken glass was all over the floor. Jorge picked up Daniel was standing beside the glass with a pout.

Jorge: Bebé, que ha pasado? (Baby, what happened?)

Daniel: I was twying to paint a vase so, Abuela Alejandra and Daddy would be pwoud of me but, it was too high and broke evewywhere.

Benji: My mother's favorite vase!

Jorge: Are you seriously worried about an object over your son?

Benji: No--

Jorge: Because if you were that'd be a one-way ticket to sleeping on the couch.

Daniel: I'm sowwy.

Jorge: It's okay, Daddy will pick up the glass for you. Won't you, Benji?

Benji: But--

Jorge: Won't you?

Benji: Yes, I will.

Jorge: Come on, boys, let's color.

Nine Years Ago: Daniel's Surgery

Daniel laid down in a hospital bed with Connor and Jorge on both sides. Connor and Jorge were talking about Benji coming down to see him from the military.

Jorge: Your Dad said he should be coming down for a quick leave.

Connor: We get to see Dad?

Daniel: Maybe I should stop breathing more often.

Jorge's eyes widened as he wiped the hair out of Daniel's eyes.

Jorge: Don't say that. What you did was dangerous!

Daniel: I just wanted to run with Connor and his friends.

Connor left the room when a doctor called him into the hallway. 

Jorge: I told you to stay inside, your asthma, Danny!

Daniel: But I wanna be like other play like other kids.

Dr. Garden: Excuse me, your mother is here.

Jorge followed the woman out but, stopped in the door.

Jorge: One day, babes. Now, you need your rest.

(It's the last one!!!)

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