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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: Long Chapter of Connor's Backstories (Next is Daniel's)

Fifteen Years Ago: Connor's First Temper Tantrum at Walmart (Daniel wasn't Born)

Benji: Connor, bébé, put it back.

Connor: But I want it now!

Connor and Benji were at the grocery store together when Connor wanted a really sugary cereal. He started crying in public when Benji put it back too.

Benji: You can get cereal later.

Connor: NOW!!

Benji: Come on, let's leave. If I see another lady whispering teen pregnancy near you, I'm gonna scream.

Connor: I not wanna leave!!

Connor fell to the ground and later started gasping for air.

Benji: Shit, where's that inhaler?

Benji mumbled and reached for it in Connor's bag. He got down on one knee and brought it to his mouth.

Benji: Breath, okay?

Connor nodded and his eyes started watering as Benji put him back in the cart. The father handed him his juice and smiled.

Benji: Let's not tell your Padré about this.

Old Lady with Sons: See, that's why condoms are important.

Benji: I AM 20!

Seven Years Ago: Connor's First Fight

Connor was 10 and sitting in the principal's office of his elementary school with Jorge and Benji on either side.

Dr. Davis: I'm sorry you have to be here under such unfortunate circumstances. I'm afraid that you're here today because your son got in a fight with three of our other students.

Jorge: I see.

Dr. Davis: I'm going to have to suspend Connor for a week and the parents, luckily, didn't press charges.

Benji: Connor! What do you have to say for yourself?

Connor: You tell John, if he touches my fruit snack again, I hope he has life insurance.

Nine Years Ago: Connor's Animal Problem

Connor had wanted a pet but, Daniel was scared out of his mind of animals.

Jorge: Con, go play outside. I gotta finish laundry.

Connor nodded and ran outside. Twenty minutes later, it was getting dark and Jorge had just finished. The concerned father went outside and called Connor and surely got a reply.

Connor: Okay, Padré!

Connor came inside with a raccoon behind him with a huge grin on his face. Jorge jumped on the couch with his phone in hand and screamed, 'Come quick!'

After hearing the fright in his husband's voice, Benji and Daniel rushed home soon and saw his son and the raccoon in his house.

He eventually got the wild animal out of the house but, was left with a small Connor in tantrum mode. He started kicking and screaming at them. Daniel started crying in the corner, in addition to the angry boy.

Benji went outside and brought back a frog from the sidewalk, which Connor adored for the next month. Daniel wasn't allowed to know about it. 

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