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Third Person POV:

Jey had managed to get them all sitting down on the couch so, they could talk. Which is a lot more work than it sounds like...

Jey: Okay, let's talk about this. Benjamin please state how you feel.

Benji: This is so stupid.

Jey: Ah ah ah! I decide if it's stupid.

Benji: Fine. I want to know why Connor even knows what a condom is and why Dani's getting bullied at school.

Jey: Very nice, now you Dani?

Daniel: Padré, solo quiero volver a la cama. (I just want to go back to bed.)

Jey: Okay, Daniel is dismissed from the room to his bedroom. Want me to tuck you in?

Daniel: I'm good.

Daniel left and went to bed almost three minutes later. He really stressed his sleep.

Jey: Connor?

Connor: I want to know why Dad thinks it's okay to go through my stuff.

Jey: Okay, easy solution. Benji, you cannot go through Connor's stuff without his permission and Connor, consider this the end of your sex life.

Benji: But this is my ho—

Jey: Connor, honey, you can go back to bed.

Let's just say after a lap dance or two Benji gave into his seduction and agreed to respect Connor's privacy.

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