Chapter 5: Sweet Mountain Part 2

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GL (GalaxyLight): I'm back for Sweet Mountain number two. Let's see what they have witnessed so far in that tasty, sweet planet so far.

BGM - Sonic Colors OST - Cutscene - Yacker's Plea

Sonic, Tails, Weiss and Blake were continuing their journey around Sweet Mountain, so sweet that they had food on their hands. Sonic had a hamburger, Tails had a jar of jelly beans, Blake had a bowl of red jelly and Weiss had a cup of vanilla ice cream.

"Hm? There's somebody over there." Tails said as he saw Blaze, Silver and the shape-bots from a distance.

"Oh, hey! It's some of Sonic's friends. Howdy there partners!" Cubot greeted them in a cowboy manner.

'It's still stuck on cowboy?' Blake thought as she heard that familiar voice.

"Quit fraternizing with the enemy! We're about to challenge them." Orbot scolded him.

"Yeah? To what? Cards? A game of tag?"

"Ignore him... Now, face our challenge!"

"If it will make you two quite down." Blaze said igniting her flames from her hands.

"Heh, I'm eager to see what the robots in this era can do." Silver stated as he activated his psychokinesis powers and attacked them.

"Fames and mind powers?! Pretty. Like fireworks!" Cubot commented before getting up plainly.

"Retreeeeat!" Orbot shouted as they both ran away.

"Pathetic." Blaze sighed.

"Where was the challenge in that?" Silver groaned. He expected something good from the robots, but it was nothing but a dud. When the robots were gone, the heroes came to them.

"Are you two all right?" Tails asked them.

"Really? That's the first thing you say to them?" Weiss questioned. "They just drove the robots away. Did you expect Blaze and Silver to be hurt?"

"Well, not really but..."

"Hey, guys. You missed the party." Silver said.

"Looks like those two robots of Eggman's got away." Blaze told them.

"Again? They're dim bulbs, but they run away like pros." Sonic smiled.

"They popped out as soon as we got close to this ride." Silver explained. The ride they were talking about was a big candy-looking ship. The deck was made out of biscuits, fruit and cheesecake. The mast was chocolate and the curtains looks almost like pieces of soft and stretchy gummi candy.

"It does look very... appetizing..." Blake commented. "I didn't mean it in a barbaric way but..."

"It's made out of candy, I know what you're trying say here." Weiss said to her.

"Hmm, perhaps it merits a closer look." Blaze said.

"What do you think, guys? Tails asked Sonic, Blake and Weiss.

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