Chapter 16: The Last Nega-Wisp (END)

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GL (GalaxyLight): This is it, the final chapter of the story, where we face the real final boss of the story. Let's see what Sonic and Team RWBY can do against this mysterious threat to the world.

"Remind me why we have to go back up here again?" Weiss sighed as she, Sonic, Tails and the rest of Team RWBY would flying into space with Tails's new rocket ship he made for space.

"Come on, it's only to visit our Wisps friends." Ruby smiled to her teammate and friend.

"Can't we just sent them by message?"

"That's stupid!" Yang retorted. "Who would wanna do that when you can go to their home? It's not that far when traveling through space. Besides, I think you want to see the Wisps too, you're just to lazy to admit it."

"I'm NOT lazy, I just don't have the time to see them, that's all!" Weiss protested.

"Suuuure." Yang didn't buy it at all. Blake looked at the window, as she saw numerous Wisps flying around pretty fast. Were they enjoying themselves now tha they're free from Eggman's grasp? No, there was something different but she can't put her finger on it.

"Is it just me or does something seem funny about those Wisps flying from space?" Blake asked everyone, they went to take a look at the window.

"I'm pretty sure you're imagining it." Yang smiled. "They look like they're having fun! I mean, what could possibly go wrong?!" Sonic gulped when he heard that. Usually when saying that, something actually goes wrong and it just has to happen right now.

BGM - Sonic Colors OST - Cutscene - Hyper-go-on Surge


Everyone in the rocket shrieked and jumped in shock from what they've just heard. A loud roar from out of nowhere, that's gotta be something up.

"What in the world was that?!" Weiss exclaimed.

"Sounds like a roar." Sonic said.

"We can see that!" The heroes went to look at the window, only to see Yacker passing them by.

"XR$7^&E% #" He said out loud enough for the heroes to hear through the window.

"Yacker?! What's up?!" Yang cried out be the Wisps couldn't hear her, judging from how far they were apart now.

"Did you catch what he said?" Sonic asked Tails as the translator managed to pick what Yacker said, however it only managed to get one piece of binary code.

"I...I think it was 'Mama'!" Tails said.

"Mama? As in Mom?" Ruby asked.

"It would seem so." Blake said. "So the Wisps has a mother? Come to think of it, we haven't seen her before..."

"Guess we'd better go after him!" Sonic exclaimed as Tails nodded and flew after Yacker. As he was following him, the heroes notice a purple dark aura flowing in space, and it was getting brighter and nastier. They were getting sudden chills all of the sudden and it was because something evil and nasty was coming closer. They finally gasped in shock when they found the source which turned out to be a giant Nega-Wisp.

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