Letters To Prince, Chapter 20

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My Promise

Dearest Marie,

I am so sorry to hear of the growing pain you are experiencing and appreciate very much your desire not to live the rest of your life drugged into some zombie state.  That is not living; it is a kind of twilight death...not really alive nor really dead either.  Pain in its extreme however can cause one to pray for death.  I continue to pray that your body never brings you to that place, that the Savior will take you before such a thing happens.  It grieves me deeply to think of you having to go through that.  I wish I had the power to prevent it, but I do not.  I can only promise that once I meet you and you agree to be mine, I will move heaven and earth to keep you from being hurt in any and every way I can.  I have learned what a man is supposed to be and do for his woman from the Savior Himself...and I promise you that every moment of my existence will contain a thought of you and how to show you how much you are loved.  

I love receiving and answering your questions Marie.  I love your curious mind and sharing our thoughts.  That is a part of your intellect and I find your intellect very intriguing and is one of the many things I am learning that I love about you.  Yes, I make music in Heaven.  I play and direct some of the choirs here that are dedicated to the praising of the Creator and His Son and the Holy Spirit.  I also write music much of which is also praise driven but I also write songs about  other things.  Marie never doubt the Angels.  They are real; they are beautiful and they are fierce in the protection of the Creator, His kingdom and his charges.  Your guardian Angel will be at your side when you pass and will along with another escort you to heaven and into the light.  He has been with you since your birth and will continue to be concerned about you and with you for eternity.  I was blessed to have the Arch Angel Michael and Sandalphon the Angel of Music as my guardians and yes I spend time with them almost daily.  Believe it or not Angels have amazing voices and I love listening to them sing.  We will share all of these experiences and more when you arrive and I hope that you will find them as wondrous as I have.

Marie, be patient with yourself as you go through this final journey and know that you have in me a man eager to see you, love you, hold you and to do all of  these things and more willingly and forever.  

My heart is for you and with you,

Love always,


P.S. This is for you

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