Letters to Prince, Chapter 19

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Your Words Comfort

Dear Prince, 

Your words today were ever so welcomed.  I have not been feeling that well and have, as the doctors said I would, begun to experience some pain.  It is nice to know that heaven is so welcoming with love and that I will spend time with Jesus and the Creator often.  It is also very uplifting to hear that we will spend lots of time together and absolutely thrilling to know we will definitely be partners.  This is the fulfillment of a dream that I have had most of my adult life.  

Prince, I am so grateful for your love and for your presence in my life at this time.  Somehow knowing that a letter will come, I am able to live through the changes that my body is going through.  I am told that the pain will become much greater but they can and will keep me comfortable.  I just want to remain cognizant for as long as possible rather than becoming a drugged out zombie.  Knowing your thoughts and sharing your experiences means everything to me and I know that will always be.  

Do you make music often in heaven Prince? Do you play new music only or do you also play some of the older music you left behind here on earth?  Is all of the music you play and sing about the Lord and His beautiful creation or are other topics allowed as well.  Do you spend time with the Angels?  Are guardian Angels real and do you know and spend time with yours?  There I go again.  I am so full of questions.  

Prince please know that loving you, reading your letters and anticipating seeing you is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.  Even though we have never met...I miss you ever so much.  Hopefully that will not be for too much longer.  

I love you my Prince and I always will,


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