Letters To Prince, Chapter 13

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Childhood Pain Revisited

My dearest Prince,

It has taken a few days for me to process all that you said in your last letter.  In part that is because I actually felt the pain you spoke of during your childhood and when women in your life chose to leave for whatever their reasons. Yes, I have read about your difficult family life as a child and knew both of your parents had failed you.  I wondered how any mother or father could live with themselves after letting their child fight for survival at 12 years old on his own without their caring and support.  I also wonder about the folks in your community.  Why they were not arrested and tried for child abandonment, I will never understand.  Prince I truly believe that your parenting set the course for all of the things you described and the fear of love and the inability to trust it created the heart break it brought you and others. I, unlike some others though, do not believe that is what created your success musically.  No...that was you and the talent God gave you.  You put in the long hard hours.  You wrote and arranged and played the instruments and did the vocals.  You did those things and when the music was heard...success followed...as it should have. Yes you wanted to live better, to eat and have a permanent roof over your head, but who wouldn't?  You and your talent created your success though and it would have been the same if you had come from the most loving of families. 
Prince some of the things you did were very hurtful as you have admitted.  But you have admitted to them and it was reported that you were reaching out to many from your past in attempts to make amends.  Even better, you have laid them all at the feet of the Savior and are making the effort to become better with his help and instruction.   That cannot be easy, and I admire you, your courage and effort to become a better soul.  I will not walk away from anyone who tries as you are doing.  Rather I will support you in that effort in any way I can.  Prince the beauty I see in you is far more than the physical.  It is your beauty as a philanthropist, a lover of children and the things that encourage them, like dance and music which I know you have funded so at risk kids could attend.  It is your love of the Creator and your interest in all things Spiritual.  It is your desire to create magical sounds and bring joy to the millions who attended your shows.  It is the man who would have traded much to have a family...these things are the things of beauty that long ago captured my heart.  I love you warts and all and will never abandon you Prince.  I will always seek to work through things because that is what you do when you really love someone. 

Believe that Prince because,

I love you and I always will.


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