Letters to Prince, Chapter 14

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Thank You Marie

Dearest Marie,

Today when I received your letter I was almost afraid to open it.  I had done what I did for many years in by saying that I would understand if you chose not to continue to communicate.  Big, bad me.  I would be fine if that was the choice you made.  NOT!!!  I was terrified that you might chose to walk away from our budding relationship.  But even today, I have trouble being transparent with those that have the capacity to hurt me, and because I have begun to value you very much, you have that capacity. I want to ask you to help me with that...help me by calling me on it in your own gentle way.  For the record, I do not want to stop writing to each other and also for the record, while I want you to live as long as you are supposed to and as comfortably as possible, I look forward to the day when we will be able to talk together in each other's presence and not just through letters.  

Marie, I want to show you Heaven.  I want to be with you when you meet Jesus face to face. I want to see your face when you actually see the lions lie down with the lambs.  I want to know your every dream and all of the things that bring you joy and contentment.  I truly want to know you.  

Thank you for accepting me with my flaws, those from the past that I have overcome, and those that I am still working on and even those that I may not have discovered yet.  Your acceptance means more to me than you know, because dear sweet Marie, I think I am beginning to love you.  

I think this is a good place for me to stop as those words were always difficult for me to say when I really meant them and I really mean what I have just said to you.  So I will wish you good night and sweet dreams.  Know that I will not be offended if one of those dreams is about me...you and me.



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