Letters to Prince Chapter 11

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Hard Questions, Hard Truth

My Dearest Prince,

I so look forward to your letters and each time I receive one I feel as though I am living my dream.  I am communicating with a man it seems that I have loved all my life, at long last.  And I have been blessed by God to do so even though he is in Heaven, behind the veil.  Thank you for answering my questions particularly the one about you and Denise.  I as I am certain many here on earth wondered if you would be together happily through eternity. That however brings up some other questions that, at least from my perspective, may be much harder ones.  

Much of your music revolves around forever and love. Eternity and 4Ever being classic examples.  It seemed to be something that you desired, but either never found or chose to walk away from if you did.  Prince with all of the woman that you were with was there never anyone that you loved enough or that loved you enough to commit to and treat well enough to have that person desire to stay in your life?  I certainly understand that many may have been gold diggers or wanted help with careers or were fame junkies and wanted to share your spotlight and enjoy the lifestyle,  but surely there was at least one who just loved you and wanted to be with you as your wife and lifelong partner.  It has been reported that you were never faithful to anyone, and that you often had 6 or 7 women that you were with at one time.  I don't know any woman that would want that kind of behavior to exist in her husband...and I think you will agree that would be a difficult pill to swallow.  Clearly you really did not want forever with anyone or perhaps there was another reason.  I ask this because as much as I used to dream of meeting you, knowing you and loving you, I was always afraid that you would hurt me deeply to the point of destruction due to your need to be with other woman.  Can you tell me why you were like that?  Will you once and for all share why what you seemed to desire as stated in your music, a forever love, you seemed to purposely sabotage with your own actions?  Many of those you called friends and acquaintances have said that you changed women completely every three years or so.  Why was that?

If I have crossed the line, with this question, I apologize and beg your forgiveness.  However I am taking you at your word, that I will not offend you, no matter what I ask.  Perhaps in your next letter, you will also ask any questions you may have about me.  

Until then Prince, please know that I love you, and I always will.


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