Clouded Purity - Chapter 16

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"A single storm is nothing to a mountain, the endless storms break it down to rubble," Prism recited.

Ghayle bowed and said, "Valkean also once said, 'the mountain is forged from the collision of heat and pressure. A mountain is forged by the hammer and anvil of creation itself'. He knew the price you pay for wisdom is pain. And you once did too."

"I hate you," Prism said.

"I can live with that," Ghayle replied, and she reached for him again. Prism did not resist.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Prism entered Grim's room shortly after lunch, adjusting his robes nervously, dreading the coming conversation. A week had passed since they'd acquired the tattoos, and the connection had only grown. Along with the sensory benefits, issues had arisen as well.

Finding Grim naked from the waist down as he dressed for the day, Prism almost turned around and left. Instead he walked to the balcony door and stared outside, waiting for Grim to finish. He sensed Grim's amusement, and blushed.

"So . . . we have a problem," Prism said after a moment.

"What?" Grim asked, joining Prism at the window and handing him a bottle of water. Prism nodded his thanks and took it, wondering for a split second how Grim had known he was thirsty. These new shared sensations would take some getting used to.

"When you, um . . . you know . . . this morning?" Prism blushed, hoping his emotions would communicate the rest, because the mere thought of Grim masturbating had brought the memory back in full force.

"Oh blood . . ." Grim said, clamping a hand over his horrified mouth, "you felt it?"

Prism nodded. "Every second of it."


"I had to take a cold shower to stop from giving in," Prism said. "That was the closest I've come to breaking my oaths since I arrived. Even worse than the first day."

"That explains the chill I felt," Grim said, sighing in frustration. "That's not good. What are we going to do about it?"

"I don't know . . ." Prism replied, taking a drink. "I don't want to ask you to stop but . . ." He shrugged, not sure what else to say.

"I understand," Grim said. "That's going to take an adjustment. I didn't think it would be this intense."

"At least we're not sharing thoughts, just emotions and sensory information,"

"Although, that would be appealing, too."

"I noticed it was different when we were a little farther apart. It wasn't quite as intense. Maybe I could just go for a walk next time you need to do it?" Prism suggested.

"We could try that," Grim said. "Or I could just try to exercise willpower. Though you know why I did it this morning, don't you?"


"I could feel you doing your morning stretches, and it was . . ." Grim shuddered, and arousal wash through his body, affecting Prism as well. "intoxicating. The way your muscles feel when they're moving. It was like being inside you."

"That is not an appropriate image right now, Grim!" Prism scolded.

Grim blanched at the admonition. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about it."

Prism couldn't help the thought from forming in his mind, and his tongue eagerly formed the words before he could stop it. "Well, in two years we'll get to know what being inside each other really feels like."

Clouded Purity - Book 2 of The TrialOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz