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It's been ten years since Lucas stepped out of my life. I'm thirty three now.Jack and I live together and we've been engaged for a month now. In the evening, I and Jack were sitting together on the garden bench. I told him everything about me and Lucas on the day of our engagement.

"I got an invitation via mail yesterday" I told him.

"Which invitation?"

"School Alumni... our school alumni"

"Really? Wow... you should go"

"Yeah... but I won't"

"Why? You know it's a great opportunity to meet old friends"

"I know"

"Then why?"

"I... I don't know"

"Is it because of... Lucas?" I looked at him.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Probably..."

"Come on, Alexia..." He said shaking his head.

"I don't wanna meet him"

"Why? There was a time you loved him and... he loved you. You should meet him"

I looked at Jack, my eyes wide. "Are you serious, Jack? You're saying this?"

"Yes... I am..."

"But... you should actually be the one stopping me because he would be there"

"Oh come one, Alexia!" He laughed. "I won't stop me"

"Are you not afraid to lose me?"

"Of course I am. But I know I won't"

"How do you know?" I pouted.

"Because I trust you and I trust our love. You could've left six years ago, but it was your love for me that kept you and I'm sure you'll stay with me... forever"

I looked at him in the eyes, surprised at those beautiful words. I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Jack... for making me smile everytime with you words..."

He took me in his arms and kissed my hair. "So, you're going, right?"


Suddenly, my phone buzzed and it was a text from Amy.

"Partners are also invited at the alumni. You will have to come, Alexia and you'll bring you fiance as well. I want to meet both of you, I don't know anything else!" The message made me jump with delight.

"You're coming along with me" I announced.

"What? Where?"

"To the alumni"

"What are you talking about?"

"Yes! I just got a text from Amy. Partners are also invited and she wants to meet you."

"Really? I'm also invited? Wow..."

"Yes... so you're coming and I won't take no as an answer"

"Of course, baby..." He smiled. "I don't have a reason to say no"

I smiled and kissed him.

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