Chapter 1

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I was in school in that time, in grade nine.I had many friends in middle school, but when I came to high school, classes were shuffled and I was left alone in the new class. I was not afraid to be alone, after all, it's not new for an introvert to stay alone. I am an introvert, I've always been.

After spending about six months without any friend, I finally found one. My best friend Amy was really polite, soft spoken and positive towards me, unlike others who usually criticized me for being my own self and advised me to change. She used to praise me and made me feel good. Other than Amy, there were two others, Jane and Bella.

With all those new people, one more person came in my life... my first love. Everyone's first love has a special place in their heart and I was not exception. With him, I came to know how love felt like. Before that, I had only heard of love in movies.

Lucas... his name still makes my heart skip a beat... I guess...

Lucas was really polite, he was really popular with girls which made him really popular among them. I knew some of the girls who had a crush on him and used friendship to stay near him. I used to envy them alot.

At first, I never realized that I liked him. He was a really good basketball player and those skill of him made me realize my feelings for him. Actually, those skills made me fall him love with him.

I used to look at him while he played basketball, It used to give me a different kind of peace of mind that was... unmatched. One day, while I was staring at him while he was playing wiht his usual flawlessness, Amy called me,

"Hey, Alexia..."


"Why were you smiling?"

I was smiling?

At that time, I realized that I smiled while I looked at him.

"I... I... wasn't"

"No... you were. And... what were you looking at?"

"I... nothing?"

"You were looking at someone..." she argued.


"Were you looking at Lucas?"

Shit! How does she know?

"Wh- What?"

"You were looking at him, weren't you? Do you like him?"

I don't like him... do I?

"No..." I replied.

"Then why were you looking at him, in fact... staring?"

"Because... he plays really... well"

"Oh... that seems like an explanation"

Thank God!

"Do you really think I would like a guy like him?" I asked laughing.

"Why not?... he's a nice guy"

"And... what makes you think that?"

"Because... he plays basketball instead of playing with girls' hearts" she said smiling.

"That smile... is a bit weird... what... do you like him?" I asked surprisingly.

"Of course not! he's more like a brother" she said laughing as if I had told a joke.

"Okay..." I said and turned back to look at him.

"You know, I've known Lucas from a really long time, and in all these years, he has never done anything which made me think that he's a bad person. He really is a nice person. There's no wonder so many girls in our school like him" Amy said looking at him

All that she said made me feel really happy and... satisfied, the way a person feels after making a really good choice.

But... why? Do I like him?

The thought disturbed me. I tried pushing it away.  

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