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"This means you're friend doesn't trust you..."

"No, Caroline... he trusts me that's why he expressed his feelings indirectly. Please Caroline, I'm sorry I'm saying this, but please stay away from me. I know we're friends. But... please... please... I cannot continue this friendship"

"So you really think I like you? Lucas... there's only one person I like... and that's Brian" She said almost crying.

"I know... I never said that you like me. We're friends and you only consider me as a friend. But... I cannot afford to lose Brian, specially because of a misunderstanding" He said, his tone hoarse.

"So... you can leave me, my friendship... for Brian?"

Her question makes me almost laugh. Why would he prefer her over his childhood friend? The day I first saw Lucas, I saw him with Brian and even after all these years, they're together. I can imagine what kind of friendship they have shared.

"I can leave anyone for Brian, I can and I will choose Brian over anyone. He's not just a friend, he's my everything..." 

She sighed... "Okay... I got your answer" She said sobbing.

"I'm sorry Caroline. But... I just want to say one thing, Brian loves you alot... value his love.  He can be your forever" He said charmingly. And I felt the same old charm that impressed. I frowned. 

"I do value him, and I love him. I know he is my forever" She said in return.

"If you really love him, then we cannot remain friends anymore. Please... for his happiness... Caroline"

"Okay..." She sighed and smiled a bit which didn't reach her eyes. "I can do this for him...  for his happiness and for his...  love" She said agreeing.

"Thank you... thank you so much..." He said with joining his hands. 

"You don't need to say that. I know you're doing this for you friend"

He still cared for the people he loved. It gave me a weird kind of satisfaction. I cleared my throat and they both got startled. 

"I'm back..." I said coldly.

"Good evening..." Lucas smiled. But I was definitely not in a mood to reply him. I simply turned back and left.

"She's so cold..." Caroline commented on my behavior as she thought I left. But I was still able to hear their conversation.

"She's not that cold..." He said defending me.

"Do you think she heard anything?"

"No, she's not a kind of person who would eavesdrop" he said and I immediately felt guilty for actually eavesdropping. I rolled my eyes. Why does he trust me so much? Why?

When I really wanted him to trust me, to love me, he never did. And now... when I don't need him, when I hate him, he likes me and blindly trusts me. Why does he have such a high opinion of me now? 


All this made me hate him even more! I stomped towards my room and banged the door.

Next day, it was Sunday. I came out of my room and went towards the kitchen. Lucas was sitting on the couch and totally ignored him, obviously...

"Good morning..." He said as he noticed me.

"Good morning" I said in the most uninterested way. I took a glass of water and went towards my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw my lips and remembered yesterday's kiss. I blushed. I realized how amazingly he kissed me, such an amazing kisser he is...

I wonder whether I displayed even ten percent of kissing qualities in his comparison. There was a knock at my room door and I rolled my eyes. I knew who it was. I opened the door and looked at him. He smiled. 

"Alexia... can I talk to you?" He asked.

"I have work to do..." I said looking towards the ground. I started to close the door when he suddenly interrupted me and kept his hand on the door.

"Please..." He begged.

What the Hell! I'm not interested in talking to you...

I frowned, "What?" I snapped.

"Alexia... I know I made alot of mistakes and I know that... they're probably unforgivable.  But... but I really like you and I want you... I need you... Please forgive me, Alexia. We can start a new life... afresh. We can forget the old issues and... just... love each other...."

I stared at him, my eyes furious. I don't know what the hell is his problem. Can't he just leave me alone? I don't want him, I don't like him.

"Done?" I asked rudely and was surprised at my own way of talking. 

Have I ever talked to anyone so rudely?

"Can I go do my work now?" I asked and hoped that he will never talked to me again after hearing that.

I was able to see his eyes widening. His face showed sadness. He sighed.

"Alexia please... give it a little thought. Think how much your words are hurting me..." He said and my eyes shook to meet his.


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